
GridPane Scripts v1.2.473


Improvement - Monit

  • Automate check and configuration of monitrc with http auth settings

Fixed - Backups V2 Beta

  • Dropbox guard - prevent use of incorrect keys and show error message in app

Fixed - GP-CLI

  • GeoIP module CLI errors

Fixed - Cloning

  • Prevent cloning from staging site to live site from copying force login plugin and robots.conf
  • Wildcard SSL not copying/restoring vhost when cloning and/or using failover

Fixed - Domains

  • Ensure that all domains are lowercase

Fixed - Caching

  • Ensure Redis cache reloads Nginx when disabled

Fixed - Staging

  • Ensure SSL state is correct when re-creating staging sites

Fixed - SSL

  • Ensure error outputs are being stored and displayed in logs
  • SSL locks sometimes remain after SSL provisioning process completes