
GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.928

16th June 2022

New - Git (Invite only Beta)

  • Full Repository Deployments
  • Hybrid Repository Deployments

New/Improvement - PHP8

  • PHP8is now available via UI for 18.04 servers (choose it when creating new sites and/or switch to it inside the Customizer > PHP tab)

Improvement - Staging

  • OpenLiteSpeed clickjacking GP-CLI updated to work with staging pushes

Fixed - Staging

  • X-Robots-Tag not present on OLS staging sites

Fixed - SSH

  • "You are not the key owner" notification when attempting to delete own SSH keys

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Guard added to prevent adding a second Backblaze API key to a site on a server where another site is already using a different Backblaze API key. This is due to the Backblaze API requiring that the bucket names be Globally unique.