GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.882
18th February 2022
New - GridPane Nginoil
New - GridPane API
- Support for PHP 8.0 In OAuth API
Improvement - Notifications/Disk Space
- Add a guard so files aren't copied over if free space falls to a certain point, and send notification instead
Improvement - GridPane 360
- Add-on Calculator view updated for better UX
Improvement - Nginx
- Worker to fix files not symlinks in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled
Fix/Improvement - DNS API Setting
- Update DNS Creds / Sync DNS Creds inside Domains tab
- Changing DNS API credentials in the Settings not updating all sites
- Renew SSL - send extra flags for dns or not
Fixed - Creating new sites
- Added guard to prevent spaces in WP User password fields
Fixed - Backups V2
- Enabling local backup to ALL sites fails if a canary site is active