
GridPane Platform and Scripts v1.2.1090

17th May 2023

New - Multitenancy

  • Multitenancy now available for Developer Plus plans

New/Improved - Vulnerability Scanning

  • Vulnerability scanning rolled out for Developer Plus plans
  • New vulnerability section inside website customizer detailing vulnerabilities
  • Repeat scan button inside website customizer
  • Separation between 360 and Developer Plus servers

New/Improved - Git

  • Git moved from private beta to public beta, available to all Developer, Developer Plus, and Agency plans

Improved - Server Provisioning

  • Automatically block ARM servers from running provisioning scripts

Improved/Fixed - 360 Support

  • Vulnerability Scanning daily scan not automatically running
  • Management of scanning now handled by automatically created server token
  • Scanning improvements for 360 server

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • Website customizer Git tab guard for multitenancy servers not active

Fixed - Staging

  • 500 “Oops something went wrong” error when enabling staging on stagings page

Fixed - Slack

  • Maldet notifications not being sent

Fixed - Teams

  • Some team member privileges restricted, showing account as Core plan user

Update - Core Plan

  • DigitalOcean servers no longer available on Core plan - plan restricted to Vultr only