GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1251

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-07-2024

July 22nd 2024

Fixed - Cloning

  • Cloning not copying Fortress settings correctly

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • Deploy failures where /root/gridenv/git.env is not found

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 02-07-2024

July 1st 2024

Fixed - Server deletion

  • In very rare circumstances, servers can’t be deleted from the dashboard

GridPane Platform

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 02-07-2024

June 28th 2024

New - SSH Keys

  • Add SSH keys to all servers in one go

Security Update/Improvement - 2FA/OTP Enhancements

  • System user password available again, but protected by OTP

Update - OTP

  • Default OTP time changed from 15 minutes to 120 minutes

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 02-07-2024

June 26th 2024

Security Update/Improvement - 2FA/OTP Enhancements

OTP added to the following feature settings:

  • Deleting a server
  • OTP aeleting a website
  • Editing a server name and/or IP address
  • Opening Monit
  • Opening PHPMyAdmin
  • Opening the website build log
  • Site logs
  • Modifying system users

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-06-2024

June 5th 2024

Security Update - Sites Page

  • Improved security for sensitive site data

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-06-2024

June 2nd 2024

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • False 500 error when attaching a Git repository to a Multitenancy server

Fixed - PeakFreq

  • Upcoming invoices not displaying within subscription settings

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-06-2024

May 29th 2024

Fixed - Custom servers

  • Error preventing custom servers from provisioning
  • Custom servers not shown in servers filter

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-05-2024

May 27th 2024

Fixed - Security Settings

  • Authy still showing in 2FA options even though it is no longer be supported

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-05-2024

May 24th 2024

Security Update - Settings

  • 2FA session duration time limit now customizable within account Settings > Security

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-05-2024

May 23rd 2024

Security Update - Settings

  • 2FA no longer needed every single time settings pages accessed
  • 2FA session duration default time set to 15 minutes

Fixed - 2FA

  • Fixed copy pasting bug (pasting added all code into first OTP box)

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-05-2024

May 22nd 2024

Security Update - Settings

  • Enforce 2FA to access settings page
  • Integrations API masking

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1229

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-05-2024

May 14th 2024

Update/Fixed - Fortress

  • Remove existing cache:clear from Fortress scripts

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1228

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-05-2024

May 9th 2024

Improvement - Backups

  • Make hourly workers to wait for at least 2 more hours before deleting the restore token

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1227

  • New Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-05-2024

May 8th 2024

New - PHP

  • PHP 8.3 added to Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04 servers

Improvement - Vulnerability Scanning

  • Added vulnerability ID to email alerts

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1226

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-04-2024

April 24th 2024

Fixed - Cloneover/Failover

  • Sync site settings not working correctly during cloning/failover sync

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1225

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-04-2024

April 23rd 2024

Improvement - Fortress & Relay

  • Sync commands added to scripts

Improvement - Cron jobs

  • Added fuzzy setting
  • Improved efficiency of daily cron jobs

Fixed - Server Provisioning

  • Not all default SSH keys are added to a newly provisioned server

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1223

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 22-04-2024

April 18th 2024

Improvement - Fortress

  • GP-CLI created for Code Freeze feature
  • Easy enable/disable added to the GridPane UI

Fixed - Cron jobs

  • Setting cron jobs with GP-CLI doesn't accept integers that end with “0”

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1219

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 22-04-2024

April 17th 2024

Fixed - Cloning

  • PHP worker setting defaulting to Dynamic setting regardless of source site settings when cloning on Nginx

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1217

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 22-04-2024

April 16th 2024

Improvement - Database Imports

  • Tokens created to allow database imports to run longer than 2 hours

Fixed - Fortress Integration

  • Fortress fails to install in a specific instance without giving failure error

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1215

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-04-2024

April 15th 2024

Security Update/Improvement - PHP

  • Updated PHP 8.1 and 8.2

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1214

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-04-2024

April 11th 2024

Update/Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • OpenLiteSpeed updated to 1.7.19

Fixed - PHP

  • disable_functions cloning incorrectly

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1213

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-04-2024

April 9th 2024

Update - Relay

  • Relay scripts added/updated updated

Fixed - GP-CLI

  • Fixed -all-sites flag failing for all remaining sites after the first site

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-04-2024

April 4th 2024

Fixed - Teams

  • Admin team members have no access to Git features

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1191

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-04-2024

March 28th 2024

Improvement/Fixed - Nginx

  • Ensure Nginx starts/restarts even if one of the prestart processes fail

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1215

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-04-2024

April 15th 2024

Security Update/Improvement - PHP

  • Updated PHP 8.1 and 8.

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1189

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-03-2024

March 22nd 2024

Improvement - PHPMA

  • Moved PHPMA to its own sockfiles and ownership

Fixed - Monit

  • Monit giving 503 error on OLS servers

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-03-2024

March 19th 2024

Update/Improvement - App Guard

Guard to reserve `gridpane-phpma-*` as a system user and ensure users cannot manually create it

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1180

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-03-2024

March 17th 2024

Fixed - Stack

  • Ensure FPM pool.d confs are generated with 640 permissions
  • Ensure all existing pool.d confs have 640 permissions

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-03-2024

March 4th 2024

Fixed - SendGrid Integration

  • SendGrid toggle becomes disabled and greyed out once a SendGrid integration has been activated

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1179

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-03-2024

March 1st 2024

Fixed - Object Caching

  • Prevent the possibility for object cache drop-in to become corrupt on the destination site after cloning

Fixed - Failover

  • Guard against existing domains on failover destination server failing

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1177

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-03-2024

February 28th 2024

Improvement - Notifications

  • Adjustments to notification frequency for 70-75% system load average and memory usage

Improvement - GP-CLI

  • Added “gp site site.url -dbcreds” command directly into “conf write db-pass” command

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • Guards needed for WPFail2Ban, SMTP, and Caching integrations and required plugins

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1176

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-02-2024

February 23rd 2024

Improvement - GP-Cron

  • Added new functionality for randomising GP-cron trigger time and additional -fuzziness flag for custom configuration
  • Added custom sleep functionality for customizing per second trigger time for cron jobs with -sec-delay flag for custom configuration
  • Added logging for debug

Improvement - Ubuntu 20.04

  • Added updated functionality developed for 22.04 into the 20.04 stack

Fixed - GP-Cron

  • CPU spikes caused by GP-Cron triggering at the same time for lots of websites on a server

GridPane Platform

  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-02-2024

February 21st 2024

Update - Billing

  • Altered invoice table display

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1172

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-01-2024

January 18th 2024

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Separate listeners for IPv6 support

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-01-2024

January 10th 2024

Fixed = Backups

  • Staff team member accounts showing an endless spinner when going to restore a backup

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-12-2023

November 30th 2023

Fixed = nG Firewall

  • nG Firewall tab greyed out if 6G WAF enabled

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1171

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-11-2023

New - Uptime Monitoring

  • Uptime monitoring is now available for Developer Plus account holders
  • Toggle turn monitoring on and off is available within the site customizer

New/Improvement - Fortress

  • New Fortress UI integration now live:
    - Enable/Disable Fortress
    - 14 commands available to run
    - View Fortress Audit Log
    - Fortress GP-CLI Log

Improvement - PeakFreq

  • When a card is updated or a top payment is made, payment retry should be triggered instantly, and server turned back on if payment or credit is present

Improvement - Vulnerability Scanner

  • Updated and improved 360 integration

Fixed - Teams

  • Teams section unavailable on Panel plan

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1168

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-11-2023

November 10th 2023

Improvement/Fixed - Vulnerability Scanning

  • Added webhook to update timestamp directly from server scan, fixing vulnerability timestamp notice

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1167

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-11-2023

November 8th 2023

Improvement - Maldet

  • Add Ubuntu 22.04 paths for nG logs to maldet ignore list

Fixed - PHP

  • Add PHP 8.2 to user chroot on Ubuntu 22.04

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.1166

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-11-2023

November 7th 2023

Fixed - PHP

  • www.conf breaking on PHP switch

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1165

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2023

November 3rd 2023

Update - PHP

  • System-wide check for any servers missing PHP versions
  • Ioncube loader update for PHP 8.2

Update/Fixed - Slack Notifications

  • PHP 8.2 added
  • Missing PHP 8.0 added

Fixed - PeakFreq

  • PeakFreq servers creating multiple support tickets for the same issue

GridPane Platform

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2023

November 2nd 2023

New - API

  • GET /server - include os_version in payload

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1163

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2023

November 1st 2023

New - Ubuntu 22.04

  • The Ubuntu 22.04 stack is now out of beta and available for all API providers and custom servers

New - PHP

  • PHP 8.2 released on Ubuntu 22.04 and 20.04

New - API

  • Add 22.04 to POST /server
  • GET Site PHPMA Link

Fixed - PHP/Monit

  • PHP 8.2 failed to install on some servers, resulting in Monit warning notifications

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2023

October 31st 2023

Improvement - Website Build Form

  • Add server provider logo to the "select server" dropdown in the website build form on the Sites page

Fixed - Server Stats

  • Stats only become available once a site is added to server

Fixed - PeakFreq

  • Make PeakFreq server build guard dynamic and ensure it updates without needing a page refresh
  • Core accounts without credit card on file getting errors - guard created

GridPane Platform & Scripts v.1.2.1162

  • New Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2023

October 30th 2023

New - PeakFreq

  • PeakFreq now available to all GridPane account holders
  • New Credit Balance section within account settings
  • PeakFreq billing now available inside Settings > Credit Balance
  • Manual One Time Balance Payment section
  • Automated Balance Maintenance option
    - Automatic minimum payment of $1 (to avoid invoicing issues)
  • View past invoices
  • View current credit balance
  • View expected monthly usage
  • Invoice amount due guards
  • PeakFreq instructions/messaging on Servers page

Improvement - MySQL

  • MariaDB updated to version 10.5 on Ubuntu 18.04 servers

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-10-2023

October 27th 2023

Update - Domain Swaps

  • Cloning is always the safer option. This update advises to clone websites instead of domain swapping to mirror our official recommendation

Fixed - Vulnerability Scanning

  • Webhook to update timestamp directly from server scan to prevent confusing notice

Fixed - Notifications

  • Notification popups appearing multiple times

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1154

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-10-2023

October 26th 2023

Improvement + Fix - MySQL

  • WP CLI 2.9.0 update broke SQL sockets on Ubuntu 22. Fix has been implemented and future proofed to prevent this issue again

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1148

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-10-2023

October 23rd 2023

Fixed - Redis

  • Redis 7 binds to IPv6 loopback instead of IPv4 by default

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1148

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 22-10-2023

October 20th 2023

Improvement - Include Check

  • Removed empty lines (if they exist due to user error) at the beginning of wp-config.php, user-configs.php include, and secure-debug.php include

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1147

  • New Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 22-10-2023

October 18th 2023

New/Improvement - Vulnerability Scanner

  • Exclude three vulnerabilities from scanner across all servers
  • Created whitelisting functionality for vulnerabilities for all sites on a server
  • Created per site whitelisting functionality

View the details here in the knowledge base.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1145

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2023

October 12th 2023

Security Patch - Nginx

  • Vulnerability fix for HTTP2 on GridPane Nginx servers (OLS is not vulnerable)

Fixed - Fortress

  • Fortress smoke screen test generates invalid username on multisite

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1143

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2023

October 9th 2023

Update/Improvement - Redis

  • New servers are now provisioned with Redis 7
  • Update Redis repo for server builds

Improvement/Fixed - MariaDB

  • Repo version set for each stack

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1142

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2023

October 6th 2023

Improvement - Monit

  • Improved Nginx syntax checks

Fixed - Monit

  • Monit MySQL config fix

Fixed - Configs

  • Server config backup changes to utilise less disk space

Fixed - MariaDB

  • Removed MariaDB 10.5 workers from Ubuntu 22.04 servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1141

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-09-2023

22nd September 2023

Fixed - Redis

  • Redis Spare servers depleted in first 10 tries

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1139

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-09-2023

13th September 2023

Improvement - Staging

  • Better error visibilty on staging push database dumps

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-09-2023

12th September 2023

Fixed - Backups

  • Backup site before deletion is missing the -local-single-site flag

5th September 2023

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-09-2023

5th September 2023

Fixed - Teams

  • Sites not visible on drop down when adding client team member

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.1137

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-09-2023

1st September 2023

New - Vulnerability scanning

  • Tokens now available to exclude sites or full servers from scanning

Improvement/Fixed - PeakFreq

  • Billing anomalies on specific accounts

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-09-2023

31st August 2023

Improvement - PeakFreq

  • PeakFreq billing: Invoicing data section has been updated
  • Server usage reporting updated

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1136

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-09-2023

30th August 2023

Improvement/Fix - MySQL

  • Updated database table export format for latest mydumper update

Fixed - Monit

  • Only update monit if the monit threshold is less than the allowed RAM

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1134

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-09-2023

29th August 2023

Improvement - Redis

The Ubuntu 20.04 stack has been updated so that:

  • Websites now use their own Redis database, instead of each sharing a singular database
  • Redis now uses Unix sockets

Improvement - Multitenancy Git

  • Improvements to overall deployment structure
  • Updated deploy scripts to include site level and
  • Added new ENV variable will allow the pre/post deploy server scripts to include conditional logic that executes code that should only be run on a new code deploy
  • gpgit commands for enabling and disabling maintenance mode on sites during deployments + custom maintenance.php file for during maintenance mode
  • Agency only tokens

Fixed - Monit

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 28-08-2023

24th August 2023

Improvement/Fixes - PeakFreq

  • Billing updates and UI fixes

Fixed - PeakFreq

  • Core accounts: No access to backup functionality on site build form, server and site customizers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1134

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-08-2023

14th August 2023

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Adjust 7G URI ruelset order when Fortress active to ensure ruleset works correctly

Fixed - Monit

  • MySQL Monit Memory not adjusting after scaling server up

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1127

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-08-2023

7th August 2023

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • 7g-gridpane.php settings file not copying across during cloning
  • 7g-gridpane.php not updating during staging push

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1126

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-08-2023

7th August 2023

Improvement - Fortress Integration

  • Integration with new Vaults & Pillars features: Adaptations made to cloning, staging, and Fortress removal scripts

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1125

  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-08-2023

3rd August 2023

Update - System Users

  • Remove password from user details callback as no longer needed

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1124

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-08-2023

2nd August 2023

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • LSPHP handler updated

GridPane Platform and Scripts v1.2.1123

  • New Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-08-2023

1st August 2023

Update - Application

  • The GridPane dashboard has been updated to Laravel 9

Update - Fortress Integration

  • Update to wipe log, recycle secret, force update for latest plugin release

New - PeakFreq

  • PeakFreq is now available for select accounts
  • PeakFreq servers all run Ubuntu 22.04

New - Ubuntu 22.04

  • The Ubuntu 22.04 stacks are now out of beta for Vultr provisioned servers (other API-integrated providers will have their full production release soon, followed by custom servers after that)

Improvement - 22.04 Sudo Users

  • Passwords accepted, but restriction still in place for password SSH login

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1122

  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-07-2023

25th July 2023

Update - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Update default memory value for PHP 8.0

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1118

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 24-07-2023

20th July 2023

Updated/Improved - OpenLiteSpeed

  • OLS updated to 1.7.17
  • Global allow/deny list created for OLS 7G

Improved - Additional Security Measures

  • Use 444 on Nginx stack instead of deny to reduce overhead

Fixed - Fortress

  • Worker calling gpfort directly being tripped by gpfort pipefails

Fixed - Git

  • Git enable command updated to be idempotent

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1117

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 24-07-2023

19th July 2023

Update - WP Fail2Ban

  • Plugin force updated where possible on all sites running PHP 7.4 and above

Improved - Git

  • GP_GIT variables made to be available to site system users

Improved - WP Debug

  • When turning secure debug on/off track if query monitor was pre-installed - only remove when toggling off if we installed

Improved - WP-CLI Usage

  • WP-CLI usage by our platform has been improved to ensure we can attempt to successfully run commands even when WP-CLI would other fail due to user websites codebase errors

Improved/Fixed - Backblaze B2 Backups

  • Check for bucket existence and name limitations when first using Backblaze on a new server

Improved/Fixed - Fortress

  • Nginx servers only: Move Fortress 7G whitelist to its own whitelist configuration “fortress-whitelists-7g-context.conf”

Improved/Fixed - Git

  • Replace site_url variable with SITE_URL

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1115

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 09-07-2023

4th July 2023

New - 22.04 Stack: MySQL

  • Use Unix socket for MySQL connections
  • Resource-based memory configuration - defaults max usage to approximately 45%
  • Automatic resource configuration on scaling

New - 22.04 Stack: Nginx

  • Redis-Cache object caching configured for Unix Sockets, autoconfigured
  • Redis-Cache object caching using separate database per site, auto-configured, and compatible with Object Cache Pro
  • Redis-Page caching using unix sockets
  • Automatically configure the Nginx-helper plugin settings when enabling either version of Nginx caching

New - 22.04 Stack: OpenLiteSpeed

  • LiteSpeed Redis Object caching uses separate databases per site, and the plugin is autoconfigured

New - 22.04 Stack: Backblaze B2

  • B2 CLI and /tmp lock issues resolved, and B2 backups are fully functional

New - 22.04 Stack: System Users

  • Autocleaning of unused system users on site deletes

New - 22.04 Stack: GP-Cron

  • GP-Cron and server cron enabled by default for all sites on build, multisite compatible, with a daily cron log on rotate

New - 22.04 Stack: Cloning and Backup Restores

  • Database dump/import tool updated using streams to speed up clones and restores (this also fixes issues with hangs on massive databases)

New - Fortress Integration

  • Use Fortress login links for SSO (if available) on all sites running Fortress

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1109

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-06-2023

23rd June 2023

Improved - GPFort

  • Dynamic checking and healing of missing secrets
  • Dynamic checking that there are no secrets in wp-config

Update - GPFort

  • “Migrate all” GPFort CLI has now been retired

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1108

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-06-2023

13th June 2023

Fixed - GPFort

  • Pre-smoke and post-smoke install improvements
  • Improved WP-CLI check for MyISAM tables guard and improved output
  • GPFort CLI preserves WP-CLI stdout so it's usable for users

Fixed - Vulnerability Scanning

  • Scan not running when Maldet is also enabled on a server

GridPane Platform and Scripts v1.2.1100

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-06-2023

9th June 2023

New - Ubuntu 22.04 Beta

  • Nginx 22.04 Stack
  • OpenLiteSpeed 22.04 Stack
  • System user SSH access and GP-CLI
  • Improved chroot shell
  • /tmp directory lockdown and new GP-CLI

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-06-2023

5th June 2023

Improvement - Vulnerability monitoring

  • Added green check mark after manual vulnerability repeat check is ran and no vulnerabilities are detected

Fixed - Vulnerability monitoring

  • UI Bug: Status update requires page refresh after manual vulnerability repeat check is ran
  • UI Bug: Repeat check doesn't update vulnerability status when a vulnerability is fixed

GridPane Platform and Scripts v1.2.1090

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 22-05-2023

17th May 2023

New - Multitenancy

  • Multitenancy now available for Developer Plus plans

New/Improved - Vulnerability Scanning

  • Vulnerability scanning rolled out for Developer Plus plans
  • New vulnerability section inside website customizer detailing vulnerabilities
  • Repeat scan button inside website customizer
  • Separation between 360 and Developer Plus servers

New/Improved - Git

  • Git moved from private beta to public beta, available to all Developer, Developer Plus, and Agency plans

Improved - Server Provisioning

  • Automatically block ARM servers from running provisioning scripts

Improved/Fixed - 360 Support

  • Vulnerability Scanning daily scan not automatically running
  • Management of scanning now handled by automatically created server token
  • Scanning improvements for 360 server

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • Website customizer Git tab guard for multitenancy servers not active

Fixed - Staging

  • 500 “Oops something went wrong” error when enabling staging on stagings page

Fixed - Slack

  • Maldet notifications not being sent

Fixed - Teams

  • Some team member privileges restricted, showing account as Core plan user

Update - Core Plan

  • DigitalOcean servers no longer available on Core plan - plan restricted to Vultr only

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1082

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-05-2023

4th May 2023

Fixed - Fortress Integration

  • Swap Fortress to use /etc/fortress to fix permission issues from our ACLs

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1081

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-05-2023

1st May 2023

Improvement - Fortress Integration

  • Guard to warn during Fotress installation if LiteSpeed object cache enabled
  • Worker to enable Fortress update daily
  • Ensure processes handle crons and logrotates for Fortress

Fixed - Fortress Integration

  • Permissions for Fortress log ownership

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.1076

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-05-2023

26th April 2023

New - Fortress Integration

  • Install, Uninstall, Migrate GP-CLI for Fortress plugin
  • Cron and logrotate autoconfigured
  • Workers created to enable Fortress updates
  • Scripts to integrate Fortress into cloning, staging, backups

Improvement - PHP

  • Added PHP 8.1 to gp stack PHP configure CLI

Improvement - Scripts

  • PHPMyAdmin redundancy created incase their main repo is down during server builds

Improvement/Fix - OpenLiteSpeed

  • httpd.conf regenerate set to ignore -export

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Set Redis port and cache type before enabling object cache

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • Domain Swap in multitenancy servers does not remove the bind mounts of original site from fstab

GridPane Platform

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 24-04-2023

19th April 2023

Security - 2FA

  • Block console access to 2FA reset codes

New - Fortress Integration

  • Fortress activation status stored inside application

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1071

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 18-04-2023

14th April 2023

Improvement/Fix - Domain Swap

  • Rename the -main-{site.url}-context.conf file to new domain

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.1070

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 18-04-2023

12th April 2023

Improvement - Server Provisioning

  • New guards and exits for PHP and PHPMA during server builds

Fixed - Git

  • Git deployment fails with eternal spinner

Update - Multitenancy

  • Info box added to “Immutable Git” settings page no longer in use

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1065

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-04-2023

5th April 2023

Fixed - Elasticsearch integration

  • Conf for Elasticsearch referencing out-of-date monitor

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1064

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-04-2023

4th April 2023

Fixed - Scripts

  • Guard added to prevent echo -n command adding n to env. files

GridPane Enterprise

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-04-2023

3rd April 2023

Fixed - Enterprise Instances (not

  • Callback for server OS not working causing UI issues

GridPane Platform

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-04-2023

29th March 2023

Update - Ubuntu 18.04

  • Ubuntu 18.04 option is no longer available for new server builds in UI

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.1062

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-04-2023

28th March 2023

Improvement - SSL

  • Guard to remove duplicate keywords in SSL config

Improvement - Cloning

  • Server clone notification now includes specific server information

Fixed - Cloning

  • Error notification in app when server connection issues corrections

GridPaneScripts v1.2.1061

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-04-2023

27th March 2023

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • HTTP Authentication not getting enabled in OLS servers

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.1060

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-03-2023

24th March 2023

New - OpenLiteSpeed

  • GeoIP added to OpenLiteSpeed

Fixed - UpCloud

  • Unable to delete disconnected servers

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-03-2023

23rd March 2023

Fixed - Vultr

  • Server status incorrect when server is destroyed directly at Vultr
  • Force delete not working

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.1058

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-03-2023

22nd March 2023

Improvement - Git

  • Slack notifications added

GridPane Scripts

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-03-2023

20th March 2023

Continued - Fail2Ban

  • Roll out of WPFail2Ban plugin update to 5.0 (ongoing)

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-03-2023

17th March 2023

Fixed - Vultr API

  • Core plan: Server provisioning at Vultr showing all servers unavailable
  • Adding sites to Vultr servers on Core plan giving “Error: This server has too little RAM to build more sites on your current plan.”
  • Plans selector showing before region select

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-03-2023

16th March 2023

Improvement - Dashboard

  • GridPane dashboard upgraded to Laravel 8

Improvement - Vultr

  • Moved from API V1 to API V2

Fixed - Vultr

  • V1 API servers can’t be interacted with through API V2

Fixed - System Users

  • Console errors when adding new user that’s not attached to a site

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.1053

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-03-2023

14th March 2023

New - Auditd

  • Token created to that will prevent auditd being automatically removed

Fixed - Backups

  • Purge Backups Range From selector has an empty option
  • Backup Export/Restore from Export dir discrepancy

Fixed - Git

  • Git Integration Manager -> Connected MT Servers Section -> sites modal not displaying server sites

Fixed - DNSME Integration

  • Console errors when deleting DNS records

Fixed - Staging

  • Console js errors when selecting Staging Push Type on Push Live To Staging/ Push Staging to live modals

Fixed - Server provisioning

  • Console errors at the adding SSH keys to server stage when server is provisioning

Fixed - WP Ultimo integration

  • Failed notification appears alongside with a success notification after Wp ultimo was successfully enabled/disabled via toggle

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1050

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-03-2023

10th March 2023

Updated/Fixed - MySQL

  • Guards and scripts updates added for deprecated Percona / MariaDB parameters
  • GP-CLI stack MySQL commands updated

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-03-2023

9th March 2023

Fixed - Staging

  • Some accounts unable to clone staging sites

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-03-2023

7th March 2023

Fixed - Staging

  • Active/Inactive staging site toggle state mismatch

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1047

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-03-2023

6th March 2023

Fixed - Fail2Ban

  • Toggling the Fail2Ban security measure to ON failing, but UI reporting success

GridPane Platform & Scripts v1.2.45

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-03-2023

1st March 2023

Fixed - Cloneover

  • Cloneover unavailable if account plan site limit is reached

Fixed - DNS API Integrations

  • Fixed callback error

Fixed - Quick Fix Tools

  • Start task button not working

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1040

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-03-2023

128th February 2023

Update - Fail2Ban

  • Filter update
  • Began roll out of WPFail2Ban plugin update to 5.0 (ongoing)

Updated/Fixed - SSL

  • issuing ECC certs by default and causing oscp stapling to fail

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1028

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-02-2023

21st February 2023

Updated - ClamAV

  • Implemented patch for critical RCE vulnerability discovered in ClamAV

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1027

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-02-2023

17th February 2023

Fixed - Cloning/Failover

  • Cloning fails if disk space on the destination server is above 1TB

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1026

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-02-2023

16th February 2023

Fixed - Failover

  • Fixed potential for timeout when checking database size via WP-CLI

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.1025

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-02-2023

7th February 2023

Fixed - Site provisioning

  • Site provision with DNS API credentials and Primary SSL options selected results in failure to add local backup settings

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-02-2023

4th February 2023

Fixed - Vultr Server Provisioning

  • Scripts updated to take into account Vultr delays

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.1020

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-01-2023

25th January 2023

New - OpenLiteSpeed

  • PHP 8.1 is now available in the UI on OLS Ubuntu 20.04 servers
    - Added to default site build settings
    - Added to site build form
    - Added to customizer PHP tab

New/Improved - Site Build Options and Defaults

  • Added option for full configuration of local backups on site creation
  • Added option for full configuration of remote backups, including more than one provider (caveat: Backblaze B2 is limited to one API key for entire server)
  • PHP 8.0 is now the default site build option unless a preferred option has already been set
  • If chosen server stack in the site build form doesn’t support set PHP preference option then it will now default to PHP 8.0
  • PHP 8.1 is now available as an option

New/Improved - Single Site Cloning

All single-site clones now have added configuration options:

  1. Include the Staging
  2. Configure the System User
    1. Use origin system user
    2. Autocreate a new system user
    3. Create a custom system user
    4. Select an existing user on the destination server
  3. Set Local and Remote Backup Options
    1. Disabled
    2. Match the origin site local and/or remote backup settings
    3. Full granular configuration

New/Improved - Server Build Script Guard

  • Guard added to prevent 22.04 server builds (until 22.04 stacks released)

Improved - GridPane Application

  • Our dashboard has received updates that will improve overall performance

Improved - Default Server Setting

  • Default build setting when creating new servers is now Ubuntu 20.04

Fixed - Staging

  • Site system user change wasn't dynamically updating the row in the active sites card until page was refreshed.

Fixed - API

  • Endpoint used for cloning: Sites would fail to build if user provided wasn't unique

Fixed - Server Build Form

  • After server build form submitted, the form would not reset back to default

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1019

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-01-2023

19th January 2023

Fixed - SSO

  • SSO bug prevented login from working

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1018

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-01-2023

17th January 2023

Update - Scripts

  • Rate limiting added to worker scripts

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1016

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-01-2023

11th January 2023

Update - Scripts

  • Update gpuser ssh key commands to use base64 to handle additional formats

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-01-2023

3rd January 2023

Update - UpCloud API Integration

  • UpCloud have updated their API along with their plans pricing and currency change (now Euros instead of USD)

Fixed - Server Modal

  • Typo in server provision modal

Fixed - Logs

  • App errors out on logs when non-standard encoding present

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-01-2023

22nd December 2022

Fixed - Custom Servers

  • Microsoft Azure/AD SSH generated keys fail to be added as root key

Fixed - Teams

  • Team Admin not able to save setting on Default WP Build Settings

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-12-2022

13th December 2022

Fixed - Monit

  • Monit not accessible when server status turns orange or red

Fixed - Custom Server Status

  • Servers page: Custom servers status showing orange, when only states should be green or red

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-12-2022

9th December 2022

Fixed - Teams

  • Team members unable to add some integrations due to missing button

Fixed - Developer PLUS Upgrade

  • Account bugs due to Stripe conflicts

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1014

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-12-2022

7th December 2022

Fixed - Cloning

  • Redis object caching not being cloned over

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1013

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-12-2022

29th November 2022

Fixed - Single Sign On (SSO)

  • SSO login package is missing newly provisioned servers, preventing SSO from working

Fixed - Panel plan

  • Unable to provision new servers bug

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1009

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 28-11-2022

21st November 2022

Fixed - Cloning

  • Cloning from Nginx to OLS with Modsec causing error

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1007

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-11-2022

17th November 2022

Fixed - Disable Website

  • Suspended sites could still be logged into via wp-login.php

GridPane Scripts v1.2.1006

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-11-2022

16th November 2022

New - User-configs.php

  • Server-level user-configs.php includes for new websites

Improvement - Monitoring

  • Improvements to our internal server monitoring systems

Improvement - CLI PHP Version

  • Updated servers CLI PHP version from PHP 7.4 to PHP 8.0

Improvement - Git Beta

  • Export the latest release directory as a variable

Improvement/Fixed - Backups V2

  • Auto-create /restores directory inside /var/www/site.url/
    (Previously, it needed to be manually created)

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.999

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-11-2022

11th November 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

Improvement - MySQL

  • Percona and MariaDB updated across all servers

Improvement/Fixed - App

  • Massive improvements to Servers page loading time

Fixed - MySQL

  • MySQL Percona failed syntax check if installed version is 8.0.15-6

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Dropbox: Password failure user issues for backups v2

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.997

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-11-2022

8th November 2022

Update - Cloning

  • Tools: Server clone labels updated for better clarity

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Installed PHP 8.1 on 20.04 OLS stack
  • Added GridPane HTTP headers to OLS websites
  • Customizing PHP CLI brought to parity with Nginx

Improvement - SendGrid Integration

  • Added debug to our must-use SMTP plugin - output is sent to WP_DEBUG log

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Guard added to stop gp monit nginx command running on OLS servers

Fixed - API

  • Server builds: Failing to build due to missing OS version requirement

GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2022

1st November 2022

Improvement - UpCloud

  • Our API integration now separates out different UpCloud plans based on their type and naming convention

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2022

31st October 2022

Fixed - UpCloud

  • Fix implemented for our API integrations compatibility with UpClouds new API changes

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-10-2022

20th October 2022

Improvement/Fixed - Dashboard

  • Speed fixes/improvements across all dashboard pages. This difference is noticeable on accounts with many servers and/or websites.

Fixed - Git

  • Git Server Deployments List: List could contain deploys from previous repo attachments, but won't redeploy due to repo change.

Fixed - Billing Tickets

  • Panel accounts unable to submit billing tickets from inside account dashboard - send button inactive.

Fixed - Servers

  • Guard to prevent servers having duplcate name at same server provider when provisioning via API

Fixed - System Users

  • Console errors when deleting newly created user, and UI also requires page refresh

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Console error on Updates page

Fixed - PHPMyAdmin

  • PHPMA links broken on new server builds

GridPane Scripts v1.2.976

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-10-2022

19th October 2022

New/Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

Update - UpdateSafely

  • UpdateSafely disabled for Git configured sites

Improvement - UpdateSafely

  • UpdateSafely will run WordPress core database updates when needed
  • UpdateSafely will run WooCommerce database updates when needed

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Backup purging not working for B2 and Wasabi when running manual purge range within site customizer

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • OLS_PHP_CHILDREN_DIVIDE not getting rounded off
  • OLS default site catches non-existing multisite subdomain

GridPane Scripts v1.2.970

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2022

13th October 2022

Fixed - wp-config.php / WP_DEBUG

  • WordPress silently introduced a change to wp-config.php for a WP_DEBUG check that we had already solved for, but due to the duplicate check caused brand-new site builds/clones to fail.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.968

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2022

12th October 2022

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Some Backup restores led to `htdocs/duplicacy` directory which causes backups preference failures

GridPane Scripts v1.2.967

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2022

10th October 2022

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Patch added, fixing timeout error
  • Testing issue on OLS due to browser caching enabled on OLS canary sites
  • URIs limit being ignored if URI’s only not set

GridPane Platform and Scripts v1.2.958

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 09-10-2022

6th October 2022

Improvement/Fixed - Various UI Settings

  • Removed beta tab from website customizer as it’s no longer necessary (and confusing)
  • Removed WSOD tab from settings page
  • Settings > Integrations tab: Links to backups documentation clearer
  • Spelling corrections

Fixed - 360 Support Settings

  • Preemptive Support > UI not populating 360 server/site list

Fixed - Git BETA

  • Git repo name validation error not stating the reason for the error

Fixed - UpdateSafely BETA

  • UpdateSafely failing on target URIs if end-of-line backslash missing from the list inside the UI
  • Removed redundant legacy token and references

GridPane Scripts v1.2.957

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 09-10-2022

5th October 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • PHP 8 on Ubuntu 18.04 needs fallback guard for check_lsphp_intl

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Improved exhaustive and exclusive handling to clean up unreferenced chunks and prevent excessive disk space usage

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 09-10-2022

3rd October 2022

Improvement - Git BETA

  • GitHub and Bitbucket automatically hit the repo webhook no matter what branch is being worked on. GridPane application now parses the JSON for the branch to work out what connected sites/servers to deploy.

Fixed - Site Deletion

  • Removed the checkbox to backup site on delete for sites on servers still running V1 backups

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 02-10-2022

30th September 2022

Fixed - Teams

  • Additional team members beyond plan allowance not invoicing correctly

GridPane Platform and Scripts v1.2.954

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 02-10-2022

29th September 2022

Improvement - Site Build Form

  • Option to enable and deploy from Git on site build

Improvement - Git BETA

  • Git moved into Open Beta
  • Self-hosted repo options added to UI
  • GridPane webhooks updated so only one webhook is needed per repo, instead of per branch
  • Team member guards to ensure correct Git integrations are seen when viewing own account or team account

Improvement - Clone Server and Failover

  • Allows including staging/backups

Fixed - Git BETA

  • Console errors
  • Push to deploy guard is always active immediately after connecting site from Git integration manager
  • GridPane webhook validation fails if commit contains only digits
  • Webhook Deployments - UI does not update with new deployment row until page refresh
  • Git Integration URL can be edited when servers are connected
  • Connected MT Servers: Search by server hostname doesn't work for Git servers connection
  • Pagination is missing on the Connected Multitenancy Servers section

Fixed - Staging/Canary Sites

  • Console errors on adding or deleting site with staging and canary

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Timestamp reporting incorrect in UI

GridPane Scripts v1.2.953

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 02-10-2022

28th September 2022

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Targeted URLs return error when fetched by backstop

GridPane Scripts v1.2.952

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 02-10-2022

27th September 2022

Fixed - wp-config.php

  • Guard to prevent duplicate commenting of wp-config.php feature constants - concatenation, gp cron, wp-fail2ban, wp-ultimo

Fixed - Nginoil

  • Nginx error due to duplicate listen options

GridPane Scripts v1.2.951

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-09-2022

20th September 2022

Fixed - Cloning

  • Added additional time to cloning script for site provision before resuming execution

GridPane Scripts v1.2.950

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-09-2022

15th September 2022

Fixed - DNS Made Easy

  • DNSME was purchased by DigiCert and began asserting their brand name with all new sites. This caused SSL provisioning and renewal failures.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.949

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-09-2022

8th September 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed: SSLs

  • OpenLiteSpeed keeping the older cache for OSCP response

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-09-2022

6th September 2022

Fixed - Dashboard

  • Site list in Sites page breaks under certain [rare] conditions

GridPane Scripts v1.2.948

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-09-2022

30th August 2022

Fixed - Redis

  • Redis status check fails if language isn't English

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Duplicacy sometimes failing to install during server provision

GridPane Scripts v1.2.946

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-08-2022

25th August 2022

Fixed - API

  • Switch PHP command being fired by API request not including memory unit in script

GridPane Scripts v1.2.945

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-08-2022

19th August 2022

Improvement - Scripts

  • Updated site build commands to accept backups
  • Update site build commands to accept git integrations
  • Made scripts resilient to downtime
  • Guard added to prevent the installation of PHP 8.1 Monit configs on servers with Nginx 1.15.8

Improvement - Cloning

  • Update Cloning commands to allow for the configuration of Backups

Improvement - Redis Object Caching

  • Scripts updated to use original Redis Object Cache plugin by Till Kruss (GridPane fork has been retired)
  • Token update of all server sites to redis-cache from Till Kruss

Fixed - Cloning

  • When cloning sites with addon domains, the loop through domains can fail if there are functions that also read from the stdin

Fixed - SSL

  • Acme SSL renewal check worker fails to update Le_ReloadCmd if the original base64 reload command was "service nginx force-reload" instead of "service nginx reload"

Fixed - Clone over

  • Clone over fails if DB_HOST_SLAVE directive in wp-config.php

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • UpdateSafely only checking the home URL in the targeted URL list
  • Canary site build notification suggesting users to login unnecessarily

Fixed - WP Debug

Guard updated to check if Query Monitor plugin active, not just if it’s installed

GridPane Scripts v1.2.944

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-08-2022

7th August 2022

Fixed - Server provisioning

  • Provisioning failing at multiple providers - fallback failing

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-08-2022

15th August 2022

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • Multitenancy webhooks giving 405 error

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.943

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-08-2022

10th August 2022

Improvement - Git

  • Git Integration Manager now contains connected servers and deployment history for both Git and Multitenancy

Fixed - API

  • Oauth API not accepting correct PHP versions specific to the server type for update site PHP

Fixed - Git

  • MT Server deploy - UI not responding to failed repo checks.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.942

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-08-2022

9th August 2022

Fixed - Scripts

  • Missing Monit/PHPMA URLs

Fixed - Snapshot Failover™

  • Failsync cronjob skips a primary site if the site's domain contains “staging” in its name

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.940

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-08-2022

4th August 2022

Improvement - Git

  • Restore Backups from Exports to Git sites

Improvement/Fixed - Git

  • Updated 'Update Repository' buttons and modal title to the 'Update Branch'

Fixed - Multitenancy

  • Update repository buttons are not reactive between UI elements in different sections
  • Buttons are not returning to their original state after server Git connection deploy finished
  • Updating repo+branch causes connected Multitenancy servers section visibility issue

Fixed - Git

  • Staging modal not updating reactively for new Git options
  • Git page servers column squashing Delete and Configure button
  • Git Integration Manager > Servers Tab > Connected branches allowing deletion of a connected bra

GridPane Scripts v1.2.937

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2022

28th July 2022

Fixed - SSL

  • AutoSSL fails to provision SSL if Sendgrid option is chosen during site provision

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.936

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2022

27th July 2022

New/Improved - Multitenancy - Major Update

  • Multitenancy has been brought inline with all existing Git scripts
  • Multitenancy blueprints removed from application, replaced with server Multitenancy Git tab inside server customizer
  • Multitenancy uses same Full Git Repository as standard Gridane Full Git Integration
  • Guards for cloning and staging to ensure all sites on server are treated as Git sites

Improved - Git

  • Git & Staging: Choice of database, uploads directory, or both when using clonever and the destination site is configured for Git
  • Git & Cloneover: Choice of database, uploads directory, or both when using clonever and the destination site is configured for Git
  • Git & Cloning: If destination is Git configured - accept extra flag and only clone uploads directory and database
  • Git & Backups: Updated to work if Git status of a website changes, e.g. if a Git site is converted into a regular site and vice versa.
  • Git & Backups: Additional backup tags added for Git Full, Git Hybrid, and Git Server (multitenancy) site backups
  • Git & Backups: Export / Import functions configured to work with all Git configured sites
  • Git & Backups: Import from alternative sources configured to work with Git sites
  • Hybrid & Staging: Detect if site is Git Hybrid and redeploy hybrid repo on destination after staging push to ensure repo and site are synced
  • Hybrid & Cloneover: Detect if site is Git Hybrid and redeploy hybrid repo on destination after cloneover to ensure repo and site are synced

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Allow guest vary to work for partial caching with LS Cache by default

Fixed - GridPane API

  • Change PHP version expecting Nginx and not working correctly for OLS servers

Fixed - Git

  • File permissions changed when switching site system user (uploads folder still changes correctly)
  • Hybrid deployments creating duplicate directories
  • After Git integration activated on a site the backups tab options require page refresh to display correctly
  • Server customizer Git tab and Git Integration Manager not updating reactively if Git integration is removed
  • Git server logs not refreshing reactively on re-opening

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • OLS Servers: PHPMA URL rewrite incorrect

Fixed - 7G WAF

  • Whitelisting bots on OpenLiteSpeed can still result in 404

GridPane App Scripts v1.2.935

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-07-2022

18th July 2022

Fixed - Snapshot Failover™

  • Sites not recreated during the next sync when manually deleted from the failover server

GridPane App Scripts v1.2.933

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-07-2022

7th July 2022

New/Improvement - Git

  • Error log for Git has been added to the server customizer logs tab
  • Guards for features that require plugins added if immutable site (full Git repo)
  • Backups - Restore only database and uploads if immutable site (full Git repo)

Fixed - Teams

  • Notifications incorrect
  • Notifications counter is not decrementing properly
  • Notifications are not getting marked as read

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Page and object caching toggles bug - When enabling/disabling app gives immediate success message

GridPane Scripts v1.2.931

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-07-2022

30th June 2022

Fixed - Backups

  • Restore only the database if the website is immutable

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • OLS "root" routing not forced at vhost/htaccess level

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.930

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-07-2022

28th June 2022

New/Improvement - Git

  • Add internal syncs at end of deploy
  • Allow for Private Repositories to work with SSH keys

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Minor bug causes an error and exits the process

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 26-06-2022

23rd June 2022

Improvement - Server Creation

  • Database selection labels updated to prevent confusion and misleading comparisons

Fixed - Git (Invite only Beta)

  • Hybrid Deploy Type can show incorrect deploy type briefly
  • Immutable Server Site Guard added

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.928

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-06-2022

16th June 2022

New - Git (Invite only Beta)

  • Full Repository Deployments
  • Hybrid Repository Deployments

New/Improvement - PHP8

  • PHP8is now available via UI for 18.04 servers (choose it when creating new sites and/or switch to it inside the Customizer > PHP tab)

Improvement - Staging

  • OpenLiteSpeed clickjacking GP-CLI updated to work with staging pushes

Fixed - Staging

  • X-Robots-Tag not present on OLS staging sites

Fixed - SSH

  • "You are not the key owner" notification when attempting to delete own SSH keys

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Guard added to prevent adding a second Backblaze API key to a site on a server where another site is already using a different Backblaze API key. This is due to the Backblaze API requiring that the bucket names be Globally unique.

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.924

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-06-2022

2nd June 2022

New - Cloneover

  • Infinite staging flag: -infinite-staging
  • Cloneover only database files flag: -only-db-clone
  • Cloneover only database files flag: -only-files-clone

Improvement - Script Updates

  • Update, Worker, and Monitor functions refactored
  • Significant performance improvements for Worker scripts on OLS
  • Backups Scripts updated for Client Portal callbacks

Fixed - Cloning

  • SSL renewal configuration web server restart command incorrect on destination site

Fixed - Adding SSH Keys

  • Add key commands updated to handle whitespace in the key comments

GridPane Scripts v1.2.927

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-05-2022

27th May 2022

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • We've added a new include called blocks.conf to OLS. Custom configurations added here will be added to your website's vhconf once regenerated.

Improvement/Fix - OpenLiteSpeed Ubuntu 18.04

  • PHP8: Updating a website to PHP 8 automatically installs it if it’s not currently installed on the server.

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-05-2022

25th May 2022

Fixed - PHPMyAdmin

  • PHPMA new release broke SSO

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-05-2022

24th May 2022

Fixed - System Users

  • SSH keys added to system users when a website is cloned from one server to another not reflected in the application

Fixed - Teams

  • 404 Error when an Admin tries to access Configure Team in the settings

GridPane Platform

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-05-2022

22nd May 2022

New - Client Portal BETA

  • The Client Portal is now in open beta and available to all Developer account holders (first 10 sites included).
    Sign up at

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-05-2022

12th May 2022

Fixed - Site Builds

  • Spaces not guarded against in WP user passwords

Fixed - Failover

  • Server hostname or IP change corrupts failover cronjob

GridPane Scripts v1.2.919

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-05-2022

11th May 2022

Improvement - Scripts

  • Improved efficiency on worker script

Improvement - Block upgrade.php Security Measure

  • Updated to compare HTTP referer to host and only return 404 if the request doesn't come from the application server.

Improvement/Fix - ModSecurity

  • If ModSec fails to download for any reason during the server provision, enabling it on a site will download and install the missing files.

Fixed - User Enumeration Security Measure

  • Worker released to ensure all sites are running the latest version

Fixed - Notifications

  • Maldet and SSL Renewal Issue Slack Notifications contain linefeeds n

Fixed - SSO

  • SSO is failing with “missing package” error on OLS servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.916

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-05-2022

10th May 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Redirect domains just redirects to homepage, instead of redirecting to

GridPane Platform

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-05-2022

9th May 2022

Fixed - API

  • Site deletions not running in screen

GridPane Scripts v1.2.915

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-05-2022

7th May 2022

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • fswatch: The default --event Updated using inotify causing restarts when a file is opened by an editor even if it is not updated/altered according to stat
  • www route duplication: No redirect at server level or double redirect if site accessed via www

Fixed - Domain Swaps/Cloning

  • Server must have website space + additional 10% space available to proceed

GridPane Scripts v1.2.914

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-05-2022

6th May 2022

Improvement - API

  • Efficiency/performance improvements

Fixed/Improvement - Cloning

  • Guard added to catch failed add-site builds and exit with notification

Fixed - Caching

  • Nginx cache TTL not updating when ModSec active

Fixed - WP_DEBUG

  • Staging: WP_DEBUG causing fatal error when making a staging push - Guard added to prevent staging push from taking place if active
  • Cloning: WP_DEBUG causing fatal error on destination sites - Guard added to prevent cloning if active

Fixed - UpdateSafely BETA

  • Unable to active UpdateSafely on Ubuntu 20.04 servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.913

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-05-2022

5th May 2022

Fixed - Domain Swaps

  • Swap Domain function - not updating relevant ENV domain IDs correctly

Fixed - Cloning

  • Server Cloning: Skip site and continue if a site errors out during the clone attempt

Fixed - PHP

  • Running PHP commands via CLI results in [false positive] errors in output even though no errors occur

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-05-2022

4th May 2022

Fixed - Core Plan

  • Upgrade Subscription error notice providing incorrect information (to contact support) when no credit card details have been added to account
  • Core plan users unable to upgrade to Panel when they are also a team member in another account

GridPane Scripts v1.2.912

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-05-2022

3rd May 2022

Fixed - SSL

  • API SSL Renewals Failing: now using ZeroSSL as the default CA instead of Let’s Encrypt

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.910

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-04-2022

21st April 2022

Improvement/Fixed - Fail2Ban Security Measure

  • WPFail2Ban activation restricted to sites with PHP 7.4 or above now that it’s no longer compatible with earlier versions of PHP

Fixed - WordPress User Creation

  • Guard to prevent spaces in WP User password fields fixed

Fixed - Core plan

  • Small number of users still on “Free” plan, not “Core” plan
  • Bug when updating User Contact information
  • DNS API integrations inputs active in website build form

Fixed - Teams

  • Session expired error when logging in as a client or staff when in a team

Fixed - Account Update

  • Application does not immediately expire all existing session cookies when updating password from within the application or from the reset password function

Fixed - PHP

  • Unable to update to PHP 8.1 inside application

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.909

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 24-04-2022

18th April 2022

Improvement/Fixed - SSO

  • --skip-plugins --skip-themes flags added to SSO WP-CLI command

Fixed - PHP

  • Switching PHP versions failing to update sockfile on very rare occasions

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2022

13th April 2022

Fixed - Core Plan

  • All free users switched from Free to Core plan

Fixed - Custom Servers

  • Unable to select Ubuntu 20.04 OS version (and also Nginx HTTP/3 which is only available on 20.04)

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2022

12th April 2022

Updated - Plan

  • Removed teams section from dropdown for users who aren’t a part of a team.

Fixed - Developer Plan

  • Legacy developer account unable to use domain swap

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-04-2022

8th April 2022

Fixed - Core Plan

  • Core users unable to upgrade to Panel/Developer inside application

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-04-2022

7th April 2022

Improvement - Server customizer

  • Display OS in customizer header

Fixed - Teams

  • Staging sites not showing for team members with Client role
  • Create ticket option available for Client role team members

Fixed - Failover

  • Server hostname or IP change corrupts failover cronjob

Fixed - API

  • API error for server detail with server ID

Fixed - Custom servers

  • Custom 20.04 servers not showing correct PHP options
  • Custom server provisioning modal showing Ubuntu 18.04 instead of 20.04.

Fixed - Core Plan UI Fixes

  • Tooltips not displaying inside Domains Tab in website customizer unless additional alias/redirect domain is present
  • Removed create ticket from settings dropdown

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.908

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-04-2022

6th April 2022

Fixed - Custom Servers

  • Send vps_server.os back on server builds

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Auto restore application token if missing from site env
  • Restores failing if database check takes too long

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.904

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-04-2022

4th April 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Newly created alias domain vhosts generated with some numbers appended to them

Fixed - PHP

  • Updating PHP failing in rare circumstances with previous app check

Fixed - Ubuntu 20.04 Nginx

  • 20.04 Nginx servers showing 18.04 PHP options (8.1 missing, 7.1/2 both showing)

GridPane Scripts v1.2.902

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-04-2022

3rd April 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Newly created alias domain vhosts generated with some numbers appended to them

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-04-2022

2nd April 2022

Fixed - Teams

  • Core restrictions for staging/updates checkboxes still active when creating new sites if working in team
  • Quick Fixes showing errors when in team

Fixed - Servers

  • Ubuntu 20.04 Nginx servers not building correctly

GridPane App and Scripts v.1.2.901

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-04-2022

1st April 2022

New - GridPane Core Plan

  • New 100% free GridPane plan released

New - Ubuntu 20.04

  • Nginx 1.21.6, Ubuntu 20.04 stack released
  • Nginx 1.21.7 HTTP3 Beta, Ubuntu 20.04 stack released
  • OpenLiteSpeed Ubuntu 20.04 stack released

New - PHP

  • PHP 8.1 released on Nginx Ubuntu 20.04 servers
  • PHP 8.0 released on OpenLiteSpeed Ubuntu 20.04 servers

Improvement/Fix - Notifications

  • Notifications constrained so build-ups of thousands of unread notifications don’t slow down application for users who let notifications build-up

Fixed - Teams

  • Core team members' restrictions carried over while working in team

Fixed - PHP

  • PHP INI commands not running in screen
  • Nginx: PHP-FPM commands not running in screen
  • OpenLiteSpeed: PHP LSAPI commands not running in screen

Fixed - Vultr Servers

  • Undefined index: memory error when building sites on Vultr servers in Core plan

Fixed - Tools

  • Quick fix tools returning errors

GridPane App

  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-04-2022

31st March 2022

Minor Change - Servers page

  • Provider positioning updated

GridPane Scripts v1.2.896

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-04-2022

30th March 2022

Fixed - Cloning

  • Clone to a different server failing - origin server not able to connect to destination

GridPane Scripts v1.2.895

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-04-2022

29th March 2022

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Hourly worker deleting database prematurely if restore takes a significantly long time

GridPane Scripts v1.2.894

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 28-03-2022

23rd March 2022

Improvements - OLS Scripts

  • Fallbacks for all envs
  • Updates to env reading functions
  • fswatch has been reworked and fswatch watching file(s) interval can now be changed
  • Addon/Redirect vhconf's now checks for running sock instead of checking in site's .env to prevent syntax errors
  • Main httpd server conf file now uses php7.4 as default
  • Specific gp ols get sub commands now have 2 fallback mechanisms in place

Fixed - Caching

  • GridPane Nginx Cache Purger plugin not being installed automatically when FastCGI caching enabled

GridPane Scripts v1.2.891

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-03-2022

9th March 2022

Fixed - Cloning

  • Server to server clone triggers SSL provision instead of copying the available SSL certificate from origin server

Fixed - Ultimo Integration

  • Have wp-ultimo CLI pull in application token to ensure activation via CLI is successful

GridPane Scripts v1.2.888

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-03-2022

2nd March 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Ensure lsphp{ver}-intl is installed on all servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.887

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-03-2022

1st March 2022

Improvement - Domain Swaps

  • Domain swap lock guard updated to stop add/delete of domains during swap

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Site vhconf vhssl path not correctly rewritten after swapping DNS API integration and renewing SSL certificates
  • Adding a redirect domain causing an OLS syntax error

GridPane App

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-02-2022

24th February 2022

Backups V1 End of Life

  • Backups V1 removed from UI

New/Improvement - Nginoil

  • Toggle added to Nginx tab inside server customizer

Fixed/Improvement - Domains tab

  • Force delete option added for domains that get stuck in pending state

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Nginx tab showing in server customizer on OLS servers

Fixed - App

  • Add new site validation guards not working when using DNS FULL
  • Display issue on staging to live push checklist modal on certain screen widths

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-02-2022

22nd February 2022

Fixed - App

  • Deleting custom failover server from application returning error

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.882

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-02-2022

18th February 2022

New - GridPane Nginoil

New - GridPane API

  • Support for PHP 8.0 In OAuth API

Improvement - Notifications/Disk Space

  • Add a guard so files aren't copied over if free space falls to a certain point, and send notification instead

Improvement - GridPane 360

  • Add-on Calculator view updated for better UX

Improvement - Nginx

  • Worker to fix files not symlinks in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

Fix/Improvement - DNS API Setting

  • Update DNS Creds / Sync DNS Creds inside Domains tab
  • Changing DNS API credentials in the Settings not updating all sites
  • Renew SSL - send extra flags for dns or not

Fixed - Creating new sites

  • Added guard to prevent spaces in WP User password fields

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Enabling local backup to ALL sites fails if a canary site is active

GridPane Scripts v1.2.880

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 20-02-2022

16th February 2022

Fixed - Client Portal

  • SSO URL not relaying back to Portal

GridPane Scripts v1.2.878

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-02-2022

11th February 2022

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Wasabi backups not displaying in restore tab

GridPane Scripts v1.2.877

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-02-2022

10th February 2022

Fixed - SendGrid

  • SendGrid failing to activate on newly provisioned servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.876

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-02-2022

9th February 2022

Fixed - Backups V2

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • GPOLS generating vhosts for temporary sites during transfers, causing OLS syntax errors when temporary sites are cleaned up

Fixed - Site Deletions

  • Site deletions sometimes leaving databases behind

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.873

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-02-2022

4th February 2022

Fixed - Lightsail

  • Lightsail Servers failing to provision in Mumbai region

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.870

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-02-2022

1st February 2022

Fixed - Maldet

  • Scan Log being detected as False Positives despite potential infection

Fixed - Nginx

  • Worker created to fix files that should be symlinks in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.867

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-02-2022

31st January 2022

Fixed - UpCloud

  • 500 Error when refreshing UpCloud servers on Servers page

GridPane Scripts v1.2.865

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-01-2022

28th January 2022

Fixed - SSO

  • SSO package aaemnnosttv/wp-cli-login-command cannot be updated due to an issue with composer.json
  • missing from new servers

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed (OLS)

  • OLS conf checking incorrect regex

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.864

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-01-2022

27th January 2022

New - Domain Swaps

  • Choice of search and replace database rewrite tool now available

New - Domain Routing

  • Choice of search and replace database rewrite tool now available

New - Staging

  • Choice of search and replace database rewrite tool now available

New - SSL Certificates

  • Choice of search and replace database rewrite tool now available

New - Cloning

  • Choice of search and replace database rewrite tool now available

Fixed - Backups

  • Duplicate rows in backups table causing issues displaying available backups correctly inside website customizer
  • Tooltip when hovering over remote backups stating available for beta test users

Fixed - Domain Swaps

  • Tooltip wording not clear that canary websites need to be deactivated before swap can take place

Fixed - Server Customizer

  • Server customizer backups settings not dynamic
  • Server customizer mysql slow query log toggle not dynamic

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.856

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-01-2022

26th January 2022

Fixed - Failover

  • Delete failover token from source if the site is deleted from failover

Fixed - Scripts

  • WP 5.9 added “define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );” causing WP-CLI commands to display a PHP warning

GridPane Scripts v1.2.855

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-01-2022

25th January 2022

Fixed - AWS Lightsail

  • Server provisioning gets stuck after core files are downloaded but not extracted as unzip isn't installed on new AWS servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.854

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-01-2022

24th January 2022

Improvement - Database Rewrites

  • Rewrites fallback to WP CLI and target a specific tables where there’s an issue that myloader can’t handle

Fixed - Backups

  • Fix for servers where backup-prune-job is missing from cron.d
  • Fix for sites where prune schedule missing from site.url.env

Fixed - Cloning

  • Delete the original system user only if the system user does not own other sites

GridPane Scripts v1.2.852

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-01-2022

20th January 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • 404 errors on SEOPress Sitemaps

GridPane Scripts v1.2.850

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 23-01-2022

18th January 2022

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • HTML cache-control headers caching pages in browser
  • TLS 1.1 is turned ON on an OLS servers

Fixed - Elasticsearch GP-CLI

  • gp stack elasticsearch -set-heap-size $integer_memory not updating the allocated memory

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.844

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-01-2022

13th January 2022

Improvement - App

  • Servers page no longer loads /servers/{provider}/load-data for all providers if user has no API key
  • Refresh API provider cached plans more frequently to check for plan availability

Fixed - App

  • SSH Keys tab inside settings loading forever if account is missing team designation
  • Updating server name/IP not sending GP-CLI to update /root/server.ip
  • Console errors when opening website customizer
  • Servers page loads /servers/{provider}/load-data for all providers even if user has no API key
  • Provision a Server (Custom VPS) the icon out of the frame

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Purging failing to run if unable to gather the necessary data for the purge
  • Purging not running in a screen

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.840

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-01-2022

10th January 2022

New - API

  • GET /server/aws-lightsail/plans
  • GET /server/upcloud/plans
  • POST /server/aws-lightsail
  • POST /server/upcloud

Fixed/Improvement - Failover

  • Delete failover token from source if the site is deleted from failover
  • New GP-CLI command for deleting site on failover

Fixed - API

  • POST Domain - missing required dns_management returns incorrect error

Fixed - App

  • Add validation check of the server name against the use of hash (#)

Fixed - Staging/Security Tab

  • Additional Measures toggles not showing the correct status in UI during Pushes (if the page is not refreshed)

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Typo in UpdateSafely tab in server customizer

Fixed - SSO

  • SSO is failing due to outdated wp login plugin

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 09-01-2022

6th January 2022

Fixed - 7G

  • On/Off toggle unresponsive inside security tab in UI

GridPane Scripts v1.2.835

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 09-01-2022

5th January 2022

Fixed - Routing

  • Switching route from www to root the DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE is updated to instead of

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.834

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 09-01-2022

4th January 2022

Fixed - Backups V2

  • “-remote” not being appended for remote restores, but being passed as flag

Fixed - Daily Scripts

  • Unable to heal certbot renewal configs if missing data

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.828

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-12-2021

22nd December 2021

New - Servers API - build/delete

Fixed/Improvement - Backups Restore Update

  • Overwrite only
  • Delete all files before restore
  • Purge backups based on tags

Improvement - OpenLitespeed

  • Expires by type site/server configurable
  • gpols env CLI
  • gpols mime CLI
  • Custom logrotate to compensate for inbuilt limitations

Improvement - Teams SSH Keys update

  • Only team owner keys can be added to servers
  • Admin can only manage team owner keys when in team
  • Staff can add only when in team
  • Removing keys from settings automatically removes them from servers

Improvement - App

  • Link to support portal in settings dropdown on all accounts

Improvement - Maldet

  • Exclude firewall logs to prevent false positives

Fixed/Improvement - DNS and SSL

  • Notifications to help prevent SSL renewal failures when swapping DNS integrations on redirect domains
  • SSL renewals work when swapping DNS integrations with active SSL on primary and alias domains
  • Force renew unavailable on redirect domains after swapping between DNS integration types

Fixed - API

  • Domain API error messages

GridPane Scripts v1.2.821

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-12-2021

13th December 2021

Fixed - Disable Username Enumeration Security Measure

  • 404 on author selection on edit post

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.817

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-12-2021

9th December 2021

Improvement - V2 Backups

Improvement - API

  • POST /site/site-update webhook needs to be able to update prune schedules
  • PUT /backups/server/{}
  • GET /server
  • GET /server/{}

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Backups tag - remote backup now button malforms when input fails validation

Fixed - Teams

  • Admin and Staff are not showing the "FastCGI Page Caching Only" when creating a new site
  • Admin can't invite Team Members and can't upgrade his subscription

GridPane App

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-12-2021

3rd December 2021

New - API Integrations

  • Dev user accounts upgraded to 20 integrations

New - Backups V2 Tagging

  • Tag manual backups
  • Filter restores by tags
  • Restore tab UI update

New - Backups V2 API

  • GET /backups/refresh/{}
  • GET /backups/original/{}
  • GET /backups/alternative-source/{}
  • GET /backups/alternative/{}
  • GET /backups/integrations
  • GET /backups/integrations/{}
  • GET /backups/schedules
  • GET /backups/schedules/site/{}
  • GET /backups/schedules/server/{}
  • GET /backups/prune-schedule/{}
  • POST /backups/integrations/{}
  • POST /backups/{}
  • POST /backups/refresh-alternative/{}
  • POST /backups/restore/{}
  • PUT /backups/automatic/{}
  • PUT /backups/schedule/site/{}
  • PUT /backups/purge/{}
  • PUT /backups/purge-range/{}
  • PUT /backups/prune-schedule/{}
  • DEL /backups/integrations/{}

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-12-2021

2nd December 2021

Fixed - Logs

  • Server logs unavailable from UI

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-12-2021

1st December 2021

Fixed - Logs

  • Plugin unicode output in utf8 files breaking log from displaying correctly within UI

GridPane Scripts v1.2.811

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-12-2021

25th November 2021

Improvement - Notifications

  • Updated messaging

Improvement - V2 Backups

  • App callback to update UI when backup schedule is updated via GP-CLI

GridPane Scripts v1.2.808

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-12-2021

18th November 2021

Fixed - Cloning

  • Guard to validate for usernames that begin with an integer

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.800

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-11-2021

11th November 2021

New - Cloning

  • Clone one website over another existing site

New - V2 Backups

  • Backblaze B2 now available to Pro plans
  • New Wasabi Regions available (US Central 1 and AP NorthEast)

Improvement - Cloning

  • Choose DNS management during cloning to new URL
  • Choose SMTP integration when cloning to new URL
  • Choose Optional DB rewrites when cloning to new URL

Improvement - Teams

  • Server API key name now visible in server customizer for Staff members

Improvement - API

  • GET Integrations
  • POST / PUT Site
    - Set DNS Integration and Type
    - Set SMTP
  • POST / PUT Domain
    - Set DNS Integration and Type
  • PUT Site
    - Enable WP Debug
    - Add WP Users
    - Run WP-CLI commands
  • POST system-user
    - Add system-user with SSH key
  • PUT system-user
    - Update system user Password
    - Update system user SSH Key

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Backups schedule selector placeholder text updated for clarity
  • Restore from original source potential for incorrect database row returning incorrect data

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.798

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-11-2021

9th November 2021

Improvement - Domain Swaps

  • Database rewrites are now optional

Fixed - SSL

  • Potential for SSL toggle to stick if account has multiple CF API integrations AND the domain is managed by the non MAIN integration

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.790

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2021

3rd November 2021

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Updated to OLS 1.7.14

Improvement - Backups V2

  • Tagging moved into beta only while the feature is developed
  • Manual backups log is now available in the site logs tab

Improvement - 7G WAF

  • WAF rule set updated to 1.4 (with slight modifications)

Improvement - CSP GP-CLI

  • Feature Policy added (commented out by default)

Improvement/Fix - Application

  • Loading times dramatically improved for sites with large numbers of sites

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.785

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-11-2021

1st November 2021

New - Backups V2

  • Full release out of beta
  • V2 is now the default backup system for new servers

New - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Full release out of beta

New - PHP

  • PHP 8 now available on Nginx servers

Fixed - Server Builds

  • Guard to ensure Apache is fully removed from servers during build process

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-10-2021

28th October 2021

Improvement - API

  • Secure WP Debug - Sites Endpoint - enable/disable feature

Improvement/Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Dynamic scheduling update to update UI automatically
  • Page refresh required to show backups if left at default showing hourly, midnight

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-10-2021

26th October 2021

Improvement - API

  • Updated POST /site/site-status webhook
  • Backups API - Run get-available-backups

Improvement - V2 Backups

  • Server sync for release out of beta

Fixed - Domain Swaps > V2 Backups

  • Duplicate rows leading application showing incorrect database info

GridPane Scripts v1.2.777

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-10-2021

25th October 2021

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Unable to add Backblaze to sites as a remote provider after Backblaze API update

Fixed - Content Security Policy GP-CLI

  • Actions that regenerate Nginx configs default to CSP being disabled

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-10-2021

21st October 2021

Improvement - API

  • SSO Endpoint - /api/sso-login
  • V2 backups schedule endpoint

Improvement/Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Scheduling update - move existing schedules to updated schedules (also a fix for missing schedules)

GridPane Scripts v1.2.733

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2021

14th October 2021

Fixed - V1 Backups

  • ASCII fix

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2021

12th October 2021

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Available local backups missing from UI
  • Inconsistencies in UI for available remote backups

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.31

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-10-2021

11th October 2021

Fixed - V1 Backups

  • Backup restores unavailable from within the UI

Fixed - Slack

  • Maldet scan results not sending via Slack

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed (BETA)

  • "This is not a WordPress site" error when generating vhost for wildcard alias domain

Fixed - UpdateSafely (BETA)

  • Process failing to run if any database tables require SUPER permissions due to a plugin.

Fixed - UpdateSafely (BETA) / OpenLiteSpeed (BETA)

  • UpdateSafely™ breaks canary vhconf for SSL enabled OLS sites

Fixed - SSO

  • URL parameter wrapped in quotations causing script causing

Fixed - Failover

  • Always displayed as "Pending" inside app even after a successful sync

GridPane Scripts v1.2.720

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

8th October 2021

Fixed - SSL

  • Acme SSL renewals - Nginx errors on reload

GridPane Scripts v1.2.719

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

7th October 2021

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Not enough space error output corrected to “Unexpected response” when backups fail due to a non-integer
  • Logging added if non-integers returned
  • Looping guard with 5-second intervals to retry backups in these circumstances

GridPane Scripts v1.2.717

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

5th October 2021

Fixed - Staging/Cloning/Domain Swaps

  • Search and replace too strict, replacing unintended URLs

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

4th October 2021

Fixed - Dashboard

  • 500 errors on a small number of accounts

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

2nd October 2021

Fixed - Server Builds

  • Vultr, UpCloud, and Lightsail new API Servers failing to build

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.716

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

30th September 2021

New - GridPane 360

  • Ability to add servers (functionality exists but sign-up not yet live for clients)
  • Gridpane header detection for Cloudflare
  • Guard for preemptive servers to check deleted sites
  • Icons to indicate 360 supported servers and sites
  • 360 specific notifications and warnings
  • Grace period
  • Patchstack integration
  • Uptime monitoring integrations
  • Automatic 360 ticket creation
  • Stripe integration

New - Additional Slack Notifications

  • Nginx
  • MySQL
  • OpenLitespeed
  • Redis
  • Fail2Ban
  • PHP 7.1
  • PHP 7.2
  • PHP 7.3
  • PHP 7.4
  • Filesystem/Disk
  • System Load Average
  • System Memory Usage
  • System CPU Usage
  • Swap Memory Usage
  • Ramdisk Usage
  • SSL Renewals
  • Automated Backups

Fixed - Site Creation

  • New website builds failing if staging site selected during creation

GridPane Scripts v1.2.713 & v1.2.714

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

27th September 2021

New - 360

  • Server-side scripts for onboarding and monitoring

Fixed - 360

  • Support notifications created for non-360 servers

Fixed - Backups

  • "Backup already exists" notifications appearing in application unnecessarily

GridPane Scripts v1.2.709

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

23rd September 2021

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Hourly scripts taking too long to cycle through sites with many backups

GridPane Scripts v1.2.701

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-10-2021

15th September 2021

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Hourly scripts taking too long to cycle through sites with many backups

GridPane Scripts v1.2.704

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-09-2021

13th September 2021

Fixed - Cloning

  • Cloning Nginx to OLS rewriting permalinks to /%category%/%postname%/

GridPane Scripts v1.2.698

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-09-2021

30th August 2021

New - GP-CLI

  • CloneOver feature
  • Additional cloning options to set DNS API provider and/or clone with no database rewrites
  • Domain swapping with no database rewrites

GridPane Scripts v1.2.696

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-09-2021

26th August 2021

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Clickjacking protection toggle now available in UI

GridPane Scripts v1.2.695

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-09-2021

25th August 2021

Fixed - Caching

  • Redis object cache getting disabled or disconnected during failover cloning

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-09-2021

17th August 2021

Fixed - Multi API

  • Issue adding 2nd API key after upgrading from Pro to Developer
  • Unable to delete AWS S3, Backblaze B2, Dropbox, or Wasabi API credentials from the application if their status within a website is pending

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-09-2021

10th August 2021

Fixed - Dev Legacy Plan

  • PHP settings missing inside UI for specific accounts

GridPane Scripts v1.2.6.92

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-09-2021

3rd August 2021

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Clickjacking protection GP-CLI added for OLS servers

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • UpdateSafely running Nginx commands and failing

GridPane Scripts v1.2.688

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2021

31st July Scripts

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • QUIC Cloud IPs whitelisted
  • Automatic OLS reload when .htaccess changes are made

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Syntax check false alarms - updated docroot and script handler in case of routed domain in OLS config
  • "gpols httpd" regeneration not removing vhost includes if the site doesn't exist
  • ModSecurity causing 403 error when saving LiteSpeed Cache settings due to bug in OpenLiteSpeed itself

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2021

28th July 2021

Fixed - Multi API

  • Limitation of one key per provider still in place after account upgrade from Pro to Developer

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.684

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2021

22nd July 2021

Improvement - Cloning

  • Servers run website size checks before allowing the clone to proceed, ensuring adequate disk space is available beforehand

Fixed - Backups V1

  • Alert being triggered by the nightly cronjob for dailyworker due to backup logs being out of sync

Fixed - Nginx Configuration Test Scripts

  • Nginx conf check failure false positives due to ulimit parameter not being high enough on servers with many sites

Fixed - V2 Backup BETA

  • Backup export notifications firing too early, before the export has finished
  • Backup logging including all database tables which can be cumbersome on very large websites

Fixed - Additional Security WordPress Hardening Measures

  • Enabling block user enumeration beta hardening measure also blocks comments when nor users who are not logged in

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2021

15th July 2021

Improvement - Backups V2 Beta

  • Batch Purge and Pruning added to the UI
  • Add SFTP export functionality and tab to the UI
  • Add SFTP export restore functionality to the UI
  • Set backup concurrency added to the server customizer in the UI
  • Set backup prune time added to the server customizer in the UI
  • Adjust local backup threshold verbiage updated

Fixed - Routing

  • Notifications not running inside app

GridPane Scripts v1.2.681

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2021

13th July 2021

Improvement - Backups V2 Beta

  • Set prune time scripts
  • Set concurrent backups scripts

GridPane Scripts v1.2.679

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-08-2021

12th July 2021

Fixed - Staging

  • No Error Message or Notifications in App if Pre-Push Checks Fail

GridPane Scripts v1.2.677

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-07-2021

9th July 2021

Improvement - DNS API

  • Refactored DNS checking for domains with DNS API credentials

Improvement - Search and replace

GridPane Scripts v1.2.675

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-07-2021

5th July 2021

Fixed - Backups V1

  • Scripts looking for incorrect time stamp on 2 week backup

Fixed - Backups V1 and V2 Beta

  • Env file is being parsed as binary if NULL characters in backups.env

GridPane Scripts v1.2.674

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-07-2021

2nd July 2021

Fixed - Backups V2 Beta

  • Backups v2 fails due to incorrect zero disk space

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-07-2021

1st July 2021

Improvement - SSL

  • New SSL commands are now in the UI: -
    - Primary domain on -no-dry-run
    - Primary domain on/off -no-db-rewrites
    - Alias domain on -no-dry-run
    - Redirect domain on -no-dry-run

Fixed - Cloudflare API Settings

  • Changing DNS creds in the Settings not updating all sites

Fixed - Cloning

  • Domain check and notice inside the UI when domain names already exist on the destination server

GridPane Scripts v1.2.672

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-07-2021

30th June 2021

Improvement - SSL

  • SSL provisioned callback before rewrites and adjust rewrites. This new sequence means that the site is available either by http/https (depending on which way) as soon as nginx reload and the wp_options are set to the right value.

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.670

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-06-2021

23rd June 2021

Fixed - PHP 7.1

  • Disable stack_trace_depth from php slowlogs for 7.1 as it’s not available on 7.1.

GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-06-2021

21st June 2021

Improvement - API

  • Server Key added to allow partial API access for users servers

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-06-2021

18th June 2021

Fixed - DNS API

  • If an additional set of credentials are added, the site will change back to the first set, causing SSLs and DNS record changes to fail

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.660

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-06-2021

17th June 2021

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Server log file size monitoring and rotations

Fixed - Staging

  • Staging sites building without matching DNS integration

GridPane App Scripts v1.2.655

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-06-2021

16th June 2021

Fixed - Cloning

  • Search and replace not always taking place
  • If search and replace fails, matching SSL, PHP settings, user etc also fails

Fixed - App

  • Application making unnecessary API token update calls

GridPane Nginx Configs and Scripts v1.2.653

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

15th June 2021

Improvement - Staging

  • If MySQL hits a permissions error during a staging push (typically due to SUPER permissions) the database import will rerun as root (so it no longer needs to be configured manually)

Improvement - SSL

  • New GPCLI for running an SSL provision with no database rewrites
  • New GPCLI for running an SSL provision with no dry run

Improvement - API

  • Scripts to use server_key for all the server communications with the webhooks API

Improvement - Rate Limiting

  • WP Zone Limit whitelisting now includes $http_referer variable

Fixed - UpdateSafely BETA

  • Updatesafely failing if a site has 301 redirect domain

Fixed - Cloning

  • SSL toggle on cloned site not showing as ON inside UI if using the webroot method

Fixed - Cloning and Backup Restores

  • Locks now in place to ensure clones/restores cannot be fired a second time by a user while an existing process is still taking place. This ensures that processes cannot run on top of each other.

Fixed - Redis

  • “apt install php-redis” no longer installs Redis module to all PHP versions

Fixed - Nginx Config Generation

  • No fallback if original static and compression conf from site build are missing

Fixed - SSL

  • If is missing on new servers there is now a fallback to install via Git if wget fails

Fixed - Staging

  • wp-options Site URL and Home for staging not updating after a push from live to staging
  • Disk space checks and guards in place to ensure a push cannot accidentally fill up a servers disk space
  • Excluded tables from partial database push still pushed

Fixed - GPCLI

  • Slow log GPCLI not setting slow log location

Fixed - Backups V2 BETA

  • MyDumper updated to prevent backup errors

GridPane Scripts v1.2.645

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

14th June 2021

Fixed - SSL

  • DNS API SSL provision is failing after updated to use ZeroSSL as the default CA while we use LetsEncrypt

GridPane Scripts v1.2.643

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

11th June 2021

Fixed - Cloning

  • Sockfile missing in destination site after cloning to different servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.638

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

2nd June 2021

Fixed - SSL

  • Let's Encrypt Updated their API causing webroot SSL provisioning to fail

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

25th May 2021

Fixed - Site builds

  • Site build failing when default admin password contains symbols/spaces

GridPane Scripts v1.2.634

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

24th May 2021

Fixed - Staging

  • Staging to Live failing if primary keys match in destination and source table

GridPane Scripts v1.2.632

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

17th May 2021

Fixed - Maldet

  • Scans have errors at the end of the output - “command not found”.

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

14th May 2021

Fixed - Teams

  • Notifications carrying across accounts

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.631

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

13th May 2021

Fixed - Cloudflare API

  • Cloning to new site.url adding new URL and DNS records to the Cloudflare Account of the source site

Fixed - Staging

  • DNS API Integration displaying as active instead of inactive in domains tab

Fixed - Agency Instances

  • Kiosk Admin Users missing GridPane FreshDesk support widget + tickets

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

12th May 2021

Fixed - System Users

  • Creating a new system user from the "Change site owner" option limits the length to 16 characters

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

11th May 2021

Fixed - Account Timezone

  • App had issue updating specific to CEST timezone

GridPane Scripts v1.2.625

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

10th May 2021

Fixed - Backups V1

  • SFTP Export not working

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

6th May 2021

Fixed - Logs

  • Error pulling info from logs in very rare circumstances

Fixed - SSO

  • Failing, resulting in 500 Errors

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.621

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-06-2021

3rd May 2021

Improvement - Caching

  • Activating page caching will reinstall the Nginx Helper plugin if missing from the website

Fixed - Backups V2 BETA

  • Error "Something went wrong" when fetching all sources.

Fixed - SSL

  • Provisioning SSL on Staging Site without API Integration returning the error "DNS integration not found. Enabling SSL is unavailable."

Fixed - Snapshot Failover

  • Unavailable for new Developer accounts

GridPane Nginx Configs and Scripts v1.2.619

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-04-2021

Improvement - Site Builds

  • Default permalinks on new sites are set to “Post name” instead of “Plain”
  • Removed “hello dolly” plugin from default site builds

Improvement - Domains Tab

  • Refactor to try to reduce load from checks on servers with hundreds of existing aliases

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Added Brotli GP-CLI

Improvement - Nginx Mime Types

  • Added AVIF image file type

Fixed - Domains

  • Worker to rebuild additional-domains.env - if domains missing

Fixed - Failover

  • Replace failsync-pause with lock token

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Cloudflare Real IPs updated

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-04-2021

28th April 2021

Fixed - Multi API

  • Edit button not available inside the Integratons API's Backup Providers Tab
  • Can't delete Dropbox API key

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-04-2021

27th April 2021

Fixed - Site Building/Cloning

  • Issue with default smtp in form and payload in some cases

Fixed - Beta Access

  • Permissions for beta incorrect on certain accounts

Fixed - Security Tab

  • All toggles greyed out and unresponsive

Fixed - Staging

  • Missing PHP, caching, security tabs

GridPane App

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-04-2021

26th April 2021

New - Multi API

Improved - GridPane App

  • All instances updated to Ubuntu 20.04 (this is the GP application only, not server builds)

Fixed - Agency Instances

  • Tickets for Kiosk users

GridPane Nginx Configs

  • New Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-04-2021

22nd April 2021

New - Nginx Configs

  • WP Zone Rate Limit whitelisting
  • PHP-FPM sockfile variable storage
  • Additional Security Measures – includes before

Fixed - Nginx Configs

  • Cloudflare Real IPs updated

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.602

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-04-2021

New - GP CLI

  • CLI to manage and store monit configurations and notification setting

New - Monit

  • Run Ramdisk Monitoring and healing

New - API

  • Full bundle management

Improvement - Cloudflare Integration

  • Detect local token and enable CF full integration on cloned sites

Improvement - Server Creation

  • Warning notice that 1GB RAM is below our recommended minimum (which is 2GB RAM) when creating new servers

Improvement - UI

  • Failover section on Tools page updated and improved
  • Failover indicator added to Servers page
  • Buttons feedback inside caching tab in website customizer improved
  • Links to V2 Backup articles added to server customizer
  • Modal to confirm multisite activation (notice that it can’t be undone before activation)

Improvement - GP CLI

  • Scripts for Nginx tab in site customizer
  • GP Cron updated and sync settings added

Improvement - Security Measures

  • Include added to some additional security measures includes

Improvement - Routing

  • Scripts for none, root, www updated with wp-config
  • Cloudflare APO doesn’t allow server based www routing, these updates adjust for this.

Improvement - Monit

  • Scripts updated to prevent false positives during configuration checks

Improvement - Agency Instances

  • Reconfigure servers to agency instances after migration

Improvement - API

  • Error feedback improved
  • 401 returned for all user authentication issues on all endpoints
  • Bundle support added

New/Improvement/Fixed - Backups

  • Scripts updated for pre-domain swap backups, cloning backups, and staging backups to support external databases if no v2 backups or no mydumper

New/Fixed - Notifications

  • Notification timezone can now be set directly inside account to prevent incorrect timestamps on notifications
  • Server datetime in notifications

Fixed - Monit

  • OpenLiteSpeed BETA - remove mysql.cnf checks from mariab stacks - command only available for percona

Fixed - Server Updates

  • gpupdate refactor – faster, systemd timer based
  • gpworkers refactor – faster, lower resource

Fixed - Agency Instances

  • Adapt guards for gridpanevps to use those specified in agency instances
  • Missing Freshdesk support widget
  • Logs tabs disabled for client users

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Fix for www routing

Fixed - Teams

  • Client pricing incorrect in UI

Fixed - SSO

  • Activation/deactivation opens wp-admin for the site

Fixed - 7G

  • 7G firewall rule fixes for OpenLiteSpeed

Fixed - API

  • 401 Error handling

GridPane Scripts v1.2.601

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 21-04-2021

20th April 2021


  • DNS Made Easy updated their nameservers. Scripts have been adjusted to ensure our API connection works correctly with the update.

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2021

14th April 2021

Fixed - Teams

  • Client permission settings

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2021

30th March 2021

Fixed - Teams

  • Staff team member can't activate plugins in the bundles tab

GridPane Scripts v1.2.598

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2021

23rd March 2021

Improvement - WP Ultimo

  • Update Ultimo to use application token

GridPane Scripts v1.2.596

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2021

19th March 2021

Fixed - Redis

  • Disabling persistence not wiping old dump.rdb files after restart

Fixed - System Users

  • System user named cac - Error: "Unable to update cac, it is a system build user!"

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2021

18th March 2021

Fixed - Teams

  • New team member signs up redirected and unable to complete sign up

GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2021

17th March 2021

Improvement - Sign Up

  • Moved from application into primary website

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-04-2021

16th March 2021

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • ModSecurity added to Security Tab

Fixed - UpdateSafely

  • Run commands in screens

Fixed - UI Fixes

  • Settings: Backup API credentials screen looks broken when long API keys added
  • Domains tab: DNS record layout issue with when adding long records

Fixed - Cloning

  • Server clone gives error when staging sites exist, incorrectly reporting that they belong to the “gridpane” user

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

12th March 2021

Fixed - Agency Instances

  • DigitalOcean servers not provisioning

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

10th March 2021

Fixed - Agency Plan

  • Agency plan users missing staging full push options
  • Staff team member site builds failing. Site building default creds now only stop staff/admins from building if the owner default settings are wrong

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.592

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

9th March 2021

Improvement - UpdateSafely™

  • Testing smaller on smaller servers available on request

Fixed - UpdateSafely™

  • UpdateSafely™ report generation

Fixed - Server Updates

  • Security reboot notification remains after reboot

Fixed - GP CLI

  • “xargs: argument line too long” error when a site is extremely large and has a very large cache

Fixed - Support

  • Ticket submission errors when submitting within application

GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

4th March 2021

Improvement - Support

  • Ticket submission refactors

Improvement - Server Selection

  • Show specific plan information in dropdown menus when creating API servers at DigitalOcean, Linode, and Vultr

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

1st March 2021

Fixed - UpdateSafely™

  • Toggle fails to activate UpdateSafely™ on the server

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

26th February 2021

Fixed - UpdateSafely™

  • Visual comparison links unavailable after completion

Fixed - Servers

  • SSH keys adding to servers, but intermittently

GridPane App, Nginx Configs, Scripts v1.2.584, API

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

25th February 2021

Improvement - API - Caching

  • Enable/disable page caching via API
  • Enable/disable object caching via API
  • Manage cache TTL via API
  • Clear caches via API

Improvement - Caching

  • Nginx page caching TTL GP-CLI

Improvement - Nginx Configs

  • Added Fastly Real IPs
  • Added $request_time to logging
  • OPTIONS added as an allowed default method
  • Requests not addressed to a specific virtual host - returns a 444 and closes the connection with no response.(This prevents bot abuse and conserves server resources)

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Cloning a site with 6G active from an Nginx server to an OLS server leaves security tab unresponsive

Fixed - V1 Backups

  • In rare cases, database folders were not being removed. Guard added.

Fixed - Logs

  • Logs in website customizer returning error: "Something went wrong when getting logs!"

Fixed - Teams

  • Team members unable to launch site customizer

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.583

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

24th February 2021

Improvement - V2 Backups

  • V2 backups now work with websites that use remote databases

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Unsuspend feature not working

Fixed - Slack notifications

  • Maldet Alerts not pushing to slack

Fixed - Backups V1 and V2

  • On visiting the Sites page, navigating to a website's backup tab inside the customizer returned no information on the very first try.

Fixed - Agency Instances

  • Gitlab and Github SSO now configured on agency instances

Fixed - Servers

  • Custom VPS is not provisioning

GridPane App and API

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

22nd February 2021

New/Improvement - Caching

  • Caching tab now available for Nginx servers inside site customizer
  • Added the ability to manage the Page Cache TTL to the App UI and API alongside enable/disable page caching
  • Added the ability to enable/disable redis object caching to the UI
  • Added the ability to clear all site caches, site page cache, site object cache to the UI and API

New/Improvement - Server Timezone and Updates

  • Settings for managing server timezones and automatic Updates now available inside the UI server customizer
  • Default settings for newly created servers available inside the Settings page

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Restore from alternative sources not possible when remote backups were detached from the original site

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

5th February 2021

Fixed - System Users

  • Older sites on the gridpane system user preventing site cloning from working. A guard and notification is now in place.
  • Sites can only move away from the gridpane user when switching users. Sites cannot be moved to the gridpane user.
  • Sites with older system users that have underscores causing cloning to fail. Guards and notifications when cloning system users with an underscore.

Fixed - Agency Instances

  • Profile and security options within settings page for users own account

Fixed - UI

  • Loading spinners broken throughout application

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.572

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

4th February 2021

Improvement - Suspended Sites

  • Return 503 response for websites that are suspended
  • Allow cloning to proceed on websites that are suspended

Improvement - Server Timezones

  • Adjust Server Timezone GP-CLI
  • Adjust Security Update Time GP-CLI

GridPane Scripts v1.2.570

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

28th January 2021

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Wildcard Vhost wrong SSL path if cloning over to OLS from an Nginx server

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.567

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

18th January 2021

New/Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed

  • Hardening options now available inside Security Tab
  • Added security tab to OLS website customizer

Fixed - Default Site Build Settings

  • 7G WAF missing from WAF dropdown

Fixed - Site Builds

  • When trying to build a site, but it has an existing username with now invalid characters, the API errors out and states that the password is under 12 characters.
  • When trying to build a site, but it has an existing password of under 12 characters set in the WordPress settings menu the API errors out and states that the password is under 12 characters.

GridPane App

  • New Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

14th January 2021

Improvement - V2 Backups

  • Added popup warning advising to take backup prior to doing a restore

New/Improvement - Site Build Form

  • Add new users while creating new website:
    - Default WP Admin only
    - Default WP Admin and extra users
    - Other WP Users only

GridPane Scripts v1.2.564

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-03-2021

13th January 2021

Improvement - Staging

  • Adjusted Database:Memory ratio threshold to allow for increased tolerances on smaller servers when pushing staging

Fixed - Cloning

  • Guard in place to prevent cloning when system user contains an underscore
  • Backup V2 remnant directories causing all-server cloning to fail, skip added

Fixed - V2 Backups

  • Backups proceed even if MyDumper has failed

GridPane API Update

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-01-2021

12th January 2021

Improvement - Failover

  • Define GRIDPANE_FAILOVER true inside wp-config.php

Improvement - Server Status

  • Confusing messaging updated - Orange dot now says “Active” instead of “Disconnected”

Fixed - SSL

  • When disabling SSLs or enabling a chain of domain SSL's during the Auto-SSL process, the toggles sometimes behaved unpredictably

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Site cloning and UI dropdowns: On servers where backups v2 were enabled, if a site had remote backups attached and backups available, and then was cloned, when the clone finished the source sites backups were "available" in the cloned site, and the alternative source backups check glitched.

GridPane API Update

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-01-2021

12th January 2021

  • Enable/Disable Nginx Page Caching
  • Enable/Disable HTTP Authorization
  • Enable/Disable Site Suspension (Agency/Enterprise only)

GridPane Scripts v1.2.562

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-01-2021

11th January 2021

Improvement - Failover

  • Define GRIDPANE_FAILOVER true inside wp-config.php

Improvement - Server Updates

  • Change unattended-upgrades reboot to 2.30AM to avoid main workers

Improvement - PHP CLI

  • Upgrade all servers to PHP 7.3 for CLI version

Improvement/Fix - Cloning/Migration/Failover

  • Prevent Cloning/Migration/Failover if the site is using the “GridPane” user
  • In-app notification for GridPane user guard

GridPane Scripts v1.2.560

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-01-2021

6th January 2021

Fixed - Backups V2

  • Remote backups not functioning correctly in staging are

Fixed - Domain Addons

  • Add guard to prevent adding “ / “ to the end add-on domain names

Fixed - Teams

  • Unable to invite a user that already exists to the team using the admin role

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.558

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-12-2020

30th December 2020

New - Multisite

  • Multisite cloning and failover now fully operational

Improvement - Subscriptions

  • Display legacy Developer and Pro plan pricing in Settings > Subscriptions

Improvement - Failover

  • Guard to ensure failover only works with nginx <-> nginx and openlitespeed <-> openlitespeed

Improvement - Failover, Cloning, Staging, SSL

  • Replaced WP-CLI Search Replace with Interconnectit Search Replace for significantly improved automatic search and replace functionality

Improvement - Staging, Cloning, Migrations, Failovers, Backups

  • Replaced MySQLDump and import with MyDumper/MyLoader
  • Parallelised MySQL Dumps - much faster, lower load, reduced locking

Improvement - Monit, Backups, Staging

  • Replaced du with diskus and set ionice for idle on all background checks

Improvement - Same Domain Cloning & Failover Cloning

  • Clones all general customizer settings
  • Clones all security customizer settings
  • Clones all PHP settings
  • Failover Syncs all settings changes and adds new domains

Improvement - Staging & Migrate/Clone to New Domain

  • Clones all general customizer settings
  • Clones all security customizer settings
  • Clones all PHP settings
  • Staging to Live pushes require extra confirmation as they now thoroughly match state.

Improvement - Staging

  • New modal for comparing settings between live and

Improvement - ModSecurity WAF

  • Updated to the latest OWASP ruleset which includes WordPress specific rules
    NOTE: Sites with ModSec already enabled, toggle on and off to update. All new servers and sites to get new rules by default.

Improvement - Site builds

  • Don't enable Redis Object Caching by default.
  • Installs and activates plugin, but doesn't enable it. This will be a toggle soon.

Fixed - System Users

  • UI not providing feedback when system users fail to create
  • Increased password length from 32 characters to 65

Fixed - Slack Notifications

  • Maldet notifications not sending

Fixed - UI Notifications

  • Livechat in bottom left covering up the close button for notifications
  • Typo in 6G notification

GridPane API Update

Build sites with WP Users JSON array

  • If you add a user as primary_administrator, it will be set to SSO admin and replace the wp default admin that is provided in settings. Accepts up to 5 Users, if more are provided then it filters based on role hierarchy. The first feature to come to API before UI, UI will follow.

Site Cloning

  • Clone site with same domain to another server
  • Clone site with new domain to another server
  • Clone site with new domain to the same server
  • Clone all sites from one server to another server

Site WAF

  • Configure site WAF - disable and enable 6G/7G/ModSec


GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-12-2020

17th December 2020

Improvement - Settings

  • Combine Oauth and GridPane API settings Page

GridPane Scripts v1.2.549

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-12-2020

15th December 2020

Improvement - Settings

  • Combine Oauth and GridPane API settings Page

Fixed - Backups

  • Daily Backups still run when backups have been toggled off

GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-12-2020

10th December 2020

Improvement - SMTP Notice

  • Added notice to tell users to verify domains
  • Link to troubleshooting SendGrid Knowledge Base article

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.546

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-12-2020

9th December 2020

Fixed - Console Errors

  • Multiple dashboard console error reports

GridPane Scripts v1.2.545

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-12-2020

8th December 2020

Fixed - Certbot

  • Changeover to Certbot Snap leading to errors and failed SSL provision attempts

Fixed - Backups

  • V2 backups revert to V1 Borg backups if env setting is missing

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 30-12-2020

5th December 2020

Fixed - Certbot Errors

  • “Your system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore” fixed

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-12-2020

2nd December 2020

Improvement - Servers Page

  • Direct links to documentation now in UI
  • Real datacentre locations are now shown inside UI (instead of confusing provider naming conventions) for Linode, AWS, and UpCloud

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Toggling caching on and off in quick succession could result in a mismatch between app and server

Fixed - Certbot SSL

  • Newly provisioned servers on Dec 2nd were unable to provision SSL due to the APT Package Manger version of Certbot being deprecated in favor of the Snap package manager.

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-12-2020

1st December 2020

Fixed - Sites Page

  • Check and visit site UI elements missing

GridPane App

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 03-12-2020

30th November 2020

New - GridPane API BETA

  • The API is now available for beta testing on Developer and Agency accounts

New - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • The OLS BETA is now open to all Developer accounts, and not strictly limited to beta testers. Note: It is not production-ready at this time.

GridPane App

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-11-2020

26th November 2020

New - Affiliate System

  • New affiliate system now fully integrated

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.539

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-11-2020

25th November 2020

Improvement/Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed Beta

  • Access and Error logs now available directly inside logs tab of the site customizer
  • Nginx buttons removed from logs tab

Fixed - Server Provisioning

  • Guard to for ensuring IPv4 address on servers, preventing random switch to IPv6

Fixed - ModSecurity

  • ModSec not logging real IPs

GridPane Scripts v1.2.538

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-11-2020

24th November 2020

Fixed - V2 Backups BETA

  • Backblaze API update fix

GridPane Scripts v1.2.537

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-11-2020

23rd November 2020

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Swap Primary Domain
  • Copy SSLs from Nginx to OLS during site clones
  • Change websites system user causing HTTP 500 error
  • Update wp-config.php to https:// once SSL has been provisioned

GridPane Scripts v1.2.535

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-11-2020

19th November 2020

Fixed - Backups V2 BETA

  • Threshold exceeded error when space available

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.534

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 18-11-2020

Improvement - SSL

  • Cloudflare API will auto-update SSL type to Full Strict when SSL is successfully provisioned

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Routing inside wp-config.php when SSL is active
  • Cloning OLS -> OLS: PHP, routing and caching settings
  • Cloning OLS -> Nginx: Routing and caching settings
  • UI updated to show only OLS specific settings (logs and PHP)

Fixed - SSL

  • Unable to toggle SSL off

Fixed - DNS API

  • Delete record modal showing underneath configuration modal
  • Editing alias and redirect domains updating primary domain

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 13-11-2020

Improvement - Self Help Tools

  • Cache clear text updated to add clarity to the caches that are cleared

Fixed/Improved - Backups v2 BETA

  • Incorrect toggle states when switching from backups v1 to v2
  • New warning modal added before switching from v1 to v2
  • Invalid name warning/guard added to manual backup tag

Fixed - WAF Toggles

  • Removed Modsec and 6G WAF from site customizer settings tab now that they’re available inside the security tab

GridPane App GridPane Scripts v1.2.530

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-11-2020

New - Security Tab

  • Moved out of beta and into full production on all accounts

New - Logs inside UI

  • Moved out of beta and into full production on all accounts
  • PHP and MySQL Slow logs available to all developers

Improvement - SSL Certificates

  • If DNS API credentials are updated, a rebuild of the ACME SSL renewal conf is triggered
  • Worker will now automatically heal/update incorrect DNS API credentials
  • Notification will popup inside of the app to inform user of above functionality when updating DNS API credentials

Improvement - Creating Sites

  • If domain exists as an alias or redirect, app will let user know which site the domain is attached to

Fixed - Challenge SSL

  • If a challenge SSL failed, the log was incomplete and SSL lock was not removed

Fixed - Server Page

  • Hide/Show server builds option inside UI fixed

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.528

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-11-2020

10th November 2020

Improvement - Server provisioning

  • Fail server builds if stack components are missing

Improvement - Security - Site Hardening

  • Block user enumeration updated to included WP-API endpoint

Fixed - Security Tab BETA

  • Additional features beta plugins updated. Downloads now fall back to plugin repo if unavailable directly on the server
  • Notification will display inside UI if any activation failures occur, and toggles won’t appear as ON after failure

Fixed - Failover

  • Cronjobs now automatically heal failover env if sync info is missing

GridPane App

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 05-11-2020

New - UpCloud

  • UpCloud has been moved out of beta and into production
  • Available to both Developer and Pro Accounts

Improvement - Logs

  • WAF logs are now available inside the UI
  • Backup logs now available inside the UI
  • Certbot and Acme monitoring logs now available inside the UI

Fix/Improvement - WP Build Defaults

  • Default settings for all site builds are now off to prevent issues with caching etc when migrating new sites over

Fixed - Cloning

  • DNS setting will default to “None” if DNS API provider is no longer attached to account

GridPane Scripts v1.2.517

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 29-10-2020

Improvement - Support

  • Ticket creation is now integrated with the new Fresh Desk support system

Improvement - SSL Certificates

  • SSL provisioning cascading removed. SSLs will now only provision according to their DNS settings (API Full, API Challenge, or None).

Improvement - HTTP2

  • Automatically enable HTTP2 push when HTTPS is enabled

Improvement - Domain Swap

  • Guard placed to ensure domains can’t be force swapped to the same domain
  • Guard added to ensure this can’t be done started again while still in progress

Improvement - Scripts

  • Trim all white space characters from SiteTables variable

Fixed - SSL

  • AutoSSL chain failing after 2 provisions

Fixed - Scripts

  • Corrupt fstab file causing reboot issues
  • .gpupg error in syslog

Fixed - Health Check

  • Notifications spelling errors in notifications

GridPane App

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 27-10-2020

New/Improvement - New Support System

  • Crisp has been replaced with Freshdesk

Fixed/Improvement - Payments

  • New settings to prevent feature deactivation on failed payment attempts, providing more time is available for any who needs it to update their information

Fixed/Improvement - Wildcard SSLs

  • Changing the DNS API method can cause renewal failures. Swapping methods is no longer possible without first deactivating the existing Wildcard SSL

Fixed - Onboarding

  • Onboarding link for new Developer accounts has been updated

GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-10-2020

October 15th 2020

Improvement - Logs (BETA)

  • Server logs are now available inside the server customiser
  • MySQL Slow log is now available inside the server customiser
  • PHP Slow log is now available inside the PHP tab for individual websites
  • Additional site specific logs are now available in the site configuration modal (site customiser)

GridPane Scripts v1.2.505

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 14-10-2020

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • OLS < -- > Nginx Cloning now fully compatible

Improvement - Self Healing

  • Resolv.conf automatically healed/recreated if missing/broken
  • Cloning will auto-fix dns.creds in site.env if incorrect, allowing cloning to proceed
  • SSL and cache locks will automatically expire after set period of time if lock stuck in place

Fixed - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Bundles failing to install

Fixed - Cloning

  • Cloning fails due to missing delimiters
  • Guard added to prevent same domain cloning on same server

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.500

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-10-2020

New - Security Tab BETA

  • GP-CLI for 6G, 7G, ModSecurity, Fail2Ban and Nginx hardening can all now be activated/deactivated via toggles within the site configuration modal
    Knowledge Base:


  • 7G is the newly released update to the nG firewall. It’s an improved version of the 6G WAF and earlier predecessors.

Improvement - Backups V2 BETA

  • UI update to the restore section of the beta backups tab

Fixed - Backups V2 BETA

  • Unable to select Dropbox from the restore options

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-10-2020

September 29th 2020

Fixed - UpCloud BETA

  • Firewall default set to ON by UpCloud

GridPane Scripts v1.2.495

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-10-2020

September 30th 2020

Fixed - Maldet

  • Scheduled scans reinstalling Maldet after it’s removal, and then continuing with daily scans

Fixed - MariaDB

  • Fixed missing error log and updated slow.log location

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.496

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 01-10-2020

New - UpdateSafely™ 2.0 BETA

Improvement - Staging

  • Add site URL to staging delete modal

Fixed - V2 Backups BETA

  • Pro users unable to delete Amazon S3 credentials from settings
  • Guard against duplicate entries that can cause backups to fail

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.489

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-09-2020

Improvement - Nginx Default Virtual Server

  • Default virtual server creation and new CLI

Fixed - Caching

  • Full site purge after site deletions

Fixed - PHP Tab

  • Failure indications and UI resets between worker types to show/prevent incompatible configurations

Fixed - Backups V1

  • Notifications for both initiation and success/failure
  • Guards and notifications for MySQL failure and high loadavg during backups and restore

GridPane Scripts v1.2.485

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 24-09-2020

September 19th 2020

Improvement - Caching

  • Add wp-cli cache clear to remove all the cached items from .wp-cli/cache

Fixed - SSL

  • SSL provision sometimes failing when using Acme webroot

Fixed - Backups V1

  • Logging of MySQL during backups not taking place

GridPane Scripts v1.2.488

  • New
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 24-09-2020

New - Cloning / OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Cloning/migrations/failover between OLS and Nginx

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 16-09-2020

September 15th 2020

Fixed - Servers

  • Unable to delete custom servers

GridPane App and Scripts v1.2.477

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 11-09-2020

New - UpCloud BETA

  • Beta testers can now spin up servers from UpCloud using our new API integration - Developer only

Improvement - OpenLiteSpeed BETA

  • Default WP Build Settings options for OLS now available inside Settings
  • Caching toggles now in customizer
  • LSAPI in PHP tab

Improvement - System Users

  • Increased allowed character length to 32

Improvement - Backups V2 BETA

  • Easily disconnect providers from all websites now possible in one-click via settings
    (Backup providers can no longer be deleted while still connected to sites)
  • Links to backup provider KB articles now in settings page

Improvement - App

  • Upgraded to Laravel 7

Fixed - Backups V2 BETA

  • Backup now buttons eternally spinning
  • Checks for incompatible Dropbox token
  • Duplicate remote providers in dropdown
  • Automatic remote backups toggle active before provider finishes adding to site
  • Remote "Backup Now" button active before receiving callback from script

Fixed - Domains

  • Force lowercase for alias and 301 redirect domains

Fixed - Cloning

  • Cloning process failing if capital letters used in destination URL

Fixed - Teams

  • Eternal spinner in UI when creating/deleting sites for team members until page refreshed

Fixed - Servers

  • New checks to ensure and confirm deletion at providers

Fixed - Staging

  • Staging sites showing previous toggle states in UI when recreated

Fixed - Canary

  • Deletion and creation not registering correctly in UI

GridPane Scripts v1.2.473

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 04-09-2020


Improvement - Monit

  • Automate check and configuration of monitrc with http auth settings

Fixed - Backups V2 Beta

  • Dropbox guard - prevent use of incorrect keys and show error message in app

Fixed - GP-CLI

  • GeoIP module CLI errors

Fixed - Cloning

  • Prevent cloning from staging site to live site from copying force login plugin and robots.conf
  • Wildcard SSL not copying/restoring vhost when cloning and/or using failover

Fixed - Domains

  • Ensure that all domains are lowercase

Fixed - Caching

  • Ensure Redis cache reloads Nginx when disabled

Fixed - Staging

  • Ensure SSL state is correct when re-creating staging sites

Fixed - SSL

  • Ensure error outputs are being stored and displayed in logs
  • SSL locks sometimes remain after SSL provisioning process completes

GridPane App & Scripts v1.2.463

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-08-2020

August 28th 2020

New - OpenLiteSpeed Early BETA

  • OpenLiteSpeed is now available for Beta users, but in early release

New - MariaDB

  • Live for all accounts, no longer in BETA

New - PHP Tab

  • Live for all accounts, no longer in BETA

Improved - Servers Page

  • Provision a Server section collapsible

Fixed - Backups

  • Local backup toggle not holding ON state when turned on

Fixed - DNS

  • DNSME integration adding www but not A record

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 25-08-2020

24th August 2020

Fixed - Slack Notifications

  • Slack notifications not sending

Fixed - DNS API integration

  • Challenge and DNSME Challenge setting DNS records

GridPane App and GridPane Scripts v1.2.444

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-08-2020

Improvement - 2FA

  • Google Authenticator now available (works with Authy)

Improvement - Site Customizer - BETA

  • PHP tab now in site configuration modal to update all PHP settings directly within the dashboard. Change the timezone, PHP version, Ini settings, and FPM settings.

Fixed - Developer Annual Plan Permissions

  • GridPane Dev Annual Client permissions for backup providers incorrect
  • ModSecurity Toggle unavailable

Fixed - Self Help Tools

  • Disabled staging sites showing in the dropdown

Fixed - Site Cloning

  • Clone command firing twice on server

Fixed - Sites Page

  • 3 changes inside site configuration modal backups tab triggering site-update callback resulting in the page refreshing

GridPane App and GridPane Scripts v1.2.439

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 12-08-2020

Fixed - Backups 2.0 BETA

  • Wasabi incorrectly showing as a provider with eternally spinning button when not added to account
  • Dropbox creating UI incongruency with other providers
  • Delete button not working if eternally spinning

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.435

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 07-08-2020

Fixed - Site Configuration BETA

  • Worker task sent out to update toggle status on pre-existing Ultimo sites to bring toggles states into sync

Fixed - Backups 2.0 BETA

  • Fixes to adding remote storage, so they add and delete properly and the selection dropdown is updated in real-time

Fixed - Domains

  • Wildcard SSL toggle throwing UI notice “oops something went wrong error” when the Wildcard option is actually successful

Fixed - Self Help Tools

  • Clear all caches function hitting error under some circumstances with large key arrays

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.433

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-08-2020

Improvement - KB Links

  • Link to Knowledge Base added in cloning tab
  • Links to Knowledge Base added in Settings / Default WP Build Settings

Fixed - Teams

  • Clients can no longer change system users or PHP version

Fixed - Backups 2.0 - BETA

  • Deleting remote backup providers from one domain affecting other domains

Fixed - Cloud Providers

  • Vultr Typo

Fixed - Site Configuration

  • HTTP authentication link corrected

Fixed - System users

  • Autogenerated users giving error message if domain starts with a number

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.434

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 06-08-2020

Improvement - Site Configuration BETA

  • Clickjacking and Ultimo toggles added to site configuration modal

Improvement - Domain Swap

  • Database names are now given unique prefixes

Fixed - Staging

  • When a staging site with an SSL is deactivated, on reactivation SSL showing as toggled on

Fixed - Backups 2.0 BETA

  • Sites not deleting if remote storage attached
  • Servers not deleting if a site has remote storage attached
  • Pre-staging backups and pre-domain swap backups operational

Fixed - Servers

  • Force delete option not working when server deleted at provider

Fixed - Notifications

  • Live chat displaying on top of notifications close button

Fixed - Monit

  • Monit firing warnings before servers finish provisioning

GridPane Scripts v1.2.424

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-07-2020

July 28th 2020

Fixed - Fail2Ban

  • Ensure all Fail2Ban customizations persist

Fixed - Maldet

  • Change minimum requirements to 1.9GB RAM to allow for servers that don’t quite give the full 2GB they state they offer.

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.428

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-07-2020

July 30th 2020

Improvement - System Users

  • Add password validation to change password
  • Force re-assign system users that own sites to prevent sites from being deleted via system user deletion

Improvement - Backups 2.0 - BETA

  • New backups configuration settings added to UI for BETA users

Improvement - UI

  • Added links to KB articles through the UI

Fixed - Domains Tab

  • Pagination overlapping SSL toggle at certain screen sizes/zoom levels

Fixed - Site Configuration

  • Allow sites to have 1 letter TLD extensions

Fixed - Default WP Admin Settings

  • `<>()$;|& symbols restricted to prevent SSL and site provisioning log issues

Fixed - Servers

  • KB links updated to point to

GridPane App

  • New Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 31-07-2020

Improvement - Live chat

  • Replaced our previous live chat/bot with a new live chat solution

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.422

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 24-07-2020

July 22nd 2020

Improvement - New Site Builds

  • New site configuration options with the ability to customize defaults inside the settings page

Improvement - Site Cloning

  • Moved site cloning to its own tab in the site configuration modal

New - Remote Backups - BETA

  • Remote backups toggle added to UI.
    (Remote backups feature is BETA only right now)

Fixed - Server Cloning

  • Cloning syntax errors

Fixed - Site Configuration Modal

  • Fixed console errors on opening modal

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.407

  • New Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-07-2020

July 7th 2020

New - MariaDB - BETA 

  • MariaDB 10.5 now available during server build - developer only

New - Oauth

  • Github and Gitlab Oauth options now available

Improvement - System Users

  • Automatically generated safe system users during site builds
  • Create your own new user during site builds

Improvement - API

  • Reduced payloads for server creation for better API

Improvement - Cloning/Migrations/Failover

  • www/root routing is migrated/cloned
  • System users created on new servers

Improvement - SSL

  • Enhanced Certbot Renewal checks and acme self-healing configs

Improvement - Monit

  • New servers have Monit 5.2.6
  • Numerous new notifications for system monitoring including Slack updates

Improvement - Binlogging

  • Disabled MYSQL binlogging (this can now be enabled via CLI).

Improvement - Migrations, clones, backups, restores, staging

  • Non-standard wp-config.php formats were breaking things. All are now auto-fixed across each of these functions

Improvement - Robots.txt

  • Rewrites within robots.txt for SEOPress

Improvement - PHP Workers

  • Now dynamic based on cores - 2x core up to max 4X cores

Fixed - Failover

  • Failover sites are marked correctly and random non-failover sites are correct and self-healing

Fixed - AutoSSL

  • Alias/addon domains still showed as toggled on when SSL fails

Fixed - Domains

  • Domain routing (www/root) appeared to reset to “none” in UI

Fixed - Teams

  • Admin couldn’t delete team members

Fixed - New Accounts

  • Unverified new users unable to log out

Fixed - Servers

  • Console errors during server deletions

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.400

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 19-06-2020

Improvement - Cloudflare API

  • Set Proxy status and TTL

Improvement - Failover

  • Failover sites offset on server list

Fixed - Failover

  • Failover Sync fails for sites where primary domain is swapped

Fixed - Server Status

  • When server status is disconnected, no commands fire on server

GridPane App

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 17-06-2020

Improvement - Server Status

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 15-06-2020

Improvement - Updated message when creating new DigitalOcean/Vultr servers

Improvement - Slack

  • Slack updates include URL and server IPs for staging pushes

Improvement - Site Customiser

  • Include server name and IP in title
  • Include server IP in website migrate/clone dropdown

Improvement - Server Cloning

  • Show server IP addresses in dropdown

Fixed - Server Status

  • Active / Inactive updates correctly for all server types

Fixed - Server API credentials button

  • Link updated to reflect change in user settings

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.397

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 10-06-2020

Improvement - Server Sync Button

  • Button will now sync tokens && do a gpupdate for scripts and configs
  • Staging pushes don't need pre-existing backups of either site

Improvement - Staging

  • Live -> staging pushes have option for no backup

Fixed - /Home redirects to /Servers

Fixed - Staging

  • Inactive staging sites don't show on enabled

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.333-5

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 3rd 2020

Improvement - Domain Manager v 2

  • Swap Primary Domain
  • Per domain SSL Management
  • DNS API SSL method
  • DNS API Proxy SSL method
  • Per domain Wildcard Management
  • CF DNS API integration
  • Alias & Redirect Domains
  • AutoSSL
  • Domains manager pagination

Improvement - Server Providers

  • Added AWS Lightsail as API provider

Improvement - SSH Key update

  • ED25199
  • ECDSA Keys
  • Updates to algorithm to match Mozilla Observatory

Fixed - SSL notification error

  • If user forces www routing but has no www dns records

Fixed - Staging Site Fixes:

  • Domain Manager Primary SSL not working
  • Primary Domain Wildcard Toggle Not working
  • Logs not displaying
  • Displaying wp-config.php not working
  • backups tab not updating with available backups

Fixed - Linode builds

  • Linode updated api response for server regions

Fixed - PHPMyAdmin

  • update changed config dir filepath

Fixed - Site Deleting

  • Bug where sites delete on server but not in UI
  • Force delete site if user deletes server first

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.336

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 6th 2020

Improvement - Domains Manager

  • Added ability to add Wildcard Records to managed DNS

Fixed - Domains Manager:

  • pagination not working on DNS modal
  • adding redirect domain shows incorrectly in the UI
  • DNS editing fails if Domain is a subdomain of root
  • staging site DNS management adds duplicate
  • Cloudflare txt record length for DKIM

Fixed - Auto-SSL

  • Toggle sticking as inactive in UI

Fixed - Tools

  • Cache clear dropdown not displaying all sites

Fixed - Staging

  • "enabled only" filter not working

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 9th

Fixed - Teams

  • Team Members editing bug for staff members

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 10th 2020

Improvement - Backups

  • progress pop-up-message clarity

Improvement - Site Deleting

  • confirmation input added to prevent accidental deletion

Fixed - Site Deleting

- endless loop when server unavailable

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.337-9

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 12th 2020

Improvement – Browser memory usage

  • Reduced browser memory usage by 70%

Improvement - Pagination

  • Refactored internal API for reactive pagination
  • Active Sites
  • Active Servers
  • Active Staging Sites
  • Active Canary Sites

Fixed - Domain Swapping Script

  • Ability to self heal if missing PHP FPM sockfile
  • Fix issue with leftover Nginx configs

Fixed - Cloning | Migrations

  • Ensure correct system user owner for DB dump files

Fixed - Domains manager

  • Don’t add staging site DNS records if no staging site.

Fixed – Teams

  • Client level can't see staging
  • Unable to assign Sites to Clients

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 13th 2020

Fixed - Free Accounts

  • Settings page UI fix

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.352

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 16th 2020

Improvement - Deleting Server

  • Force delete a server from App

Improvement - GP-CLI

  • GP Cron setting with minute intervals on system user cron

Improvement - ACLs

  • Open ACLs up to allow SU into system users from root

Fixed - Let’s Encrypt Renewals

  • Primary Domain switcher Let's Encrypt renewal config issue

GridPane Scripts v1.2.353-5

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 18th 2020

Improvement - Staging

  • Push user defined wp-config includes

Improvement - Migrate/Clone

  • Migrate/clone user defined wp-config includes

Fixed – Monit

  • Not always starting immediately on newly provisioned servers

GridPane Scripts v1.2.356-9

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 19th 2020

Fixed - Self Help Tools

  • Clear Nginx cache on granular site level
  • Fixed issue with clearing staging site cache
  • Clear PHP Opcache

Fixed - AWS Lightsail Builds

  • Issues with Sydney DC api response

Fixed - SSH Keys

  • Only 10 SSH keys visible on add key modal

Fixed - SSL Worker

  • SSL Renewal Confs being repaired incorrectly for some domains

GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.37

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 19th 2020

Improvement - ModSec - add include in reverse proxy up front

GridPane Scripts v1.2.360

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 19th 2020

Fixed - ModSec static header not resetting

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.362

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 20th 2020

Improvement - SSH Keys

  • Added 256 ECDSA (in addition to 384 and 512)

Fixed - SSH Keys

  • Validation to prevent duplicate keys

Fixed - Self Help Tools

  • Clone does not allow you to change destination server without refresh

Fixed - Staging

  • Selective Database Push Not Working
  • UI fix
  • Script improvement

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.362

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 25th 2020

Improvement - Staging

  • Pushing Live>Staging / Staging>Live - DB only and No DB options

Fixed - Staging/Canary

  • Staging push fails from wp-cli path checks
  • Canary/Staging displays spinning on sites page when search is used
  • Staging page unavailable for free users

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.364

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 27th 2020

Fixed - Teams

  • Teams & free users SSL is not working

Fixed - System Users

  • Prevent adding sensitive system users

Fixed - Lightsail

  • AWS servers seem to sometimes fail at 75%

Fixed - SSO

  • Failing on multisites

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.365

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

March 30th 2020

Improvement - Domains Manager

  • disallow to be added

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.366

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 3rd 2020

Improvement - Staging

  • Added confirmation/details notice on staging pushes

Fixed - UI elements timing out on long waits

GridPane Scripts v1.2.367 & GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.37

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 3rd 2020

Fixed - GP-CLI & Nginx

  • Default site config regeneration bug

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.368

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 6th 2020

Fixed - Staging

  • Long Running Staging Push fix

Fixed - Domains Manager

  • DNS management - Staging can't manage records

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 8th 2020

Improvement - Lightsail

  • Remove 500Mb RAM servers from lightsail

Fixed - Cloudflare/DNSME API

  • Adding sites with shared DNS Zone fix.

Fixed - Self Help Tools

  • Quick Fixes: Site-dropdown showing spinner but no websites

GridPane App

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 11th 2020


  • Improve error message in UI when sending in a ticket

Fixed – Zendesk Integration

  • Chat verification for trial users of paid plans

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.369-74

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 13th 2020

Improvement – Staging

  • Added "X-Robots-Tag: noindex, nofollow, nosnippet, noimageindex"; to staging and canary websites to prevent search engine indexing

Improvement – Unattended updates

  • Autofix/healing in worker

Improvement – SSL

  • lock while there is an SSL provisioning to prevent conflicts and potential for failed certs
  • gpocsp stapling as part of nginx systemd

Improvement - Migrate/Clone/Failover

  • If failsync detects connection error, don’t proceed with clone attempt and launch notification message + log

Improvement – System users

  • Reduce resources required when adding system users

Fixed – Tools

  • Site list for team users inside Tools processes
  • Staging sites not in quick tools

Fixed - Domains manager

  • Adding DNS records - Wildcard wasn't adding to subdomain sites

Fixed – Accounts

  • Remove incorrect upgrade your account notices

Fixed - SSO

  • failing because generated magic link has leading space

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.375-6

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 17th 2020

Fixed – Pagination

  • Only first 10 sites on account are visible on iPhones

Fixed – Teams

  • Admin team members can’t add or delete SSH keys

Fixed - Migrate/Clone

  • Commands leaving locks in place

Fixed - SSO

  • Failed when $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] is set to something other than site domain

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.377

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 21st 2020

Improvement - Event notifications

  • Notifications covering account options on smaller screen sizes – moved from right hand side to left hand side

Improvement - Logs

  • Add Refresh Button to Bottom of logs

Improvement - Slack

  • Add Slack Save/Update button

Fixed – Teams:

  • Admins can't provision API servers
  • Custom server option not visible for Admins
  • Admins can't toggle ModSec / 6G WAF
  • Team members can't add Bundles

Fixed – Pagination

  • Settings not sticking when changed

Fixed - Slack notifications

  • Endpoint returning exception

GridPane App

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

April 22nd 2020


  • UI prompting to update API keys

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.378

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

May 1st 2020

Fixed – Domains Manager

  • Domain redirect configs fail if no SSL present on primary domain

GridPane App, GridPane Scripts v1.2.379 & GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.38-39

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

May 18th 2020

Fixed – OCSP stapling

  • Refresh Nginx OCSP responses nightly

Improvement - Nginx

  • Harden Nginx for PHP in directories

GridPane App, GridPane Scripts v1.2.380 & GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.40

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

May 19th 2020

Fixed – Nginx

  • Make PHP hardening selective

GridPane Scripts v1.2.381-85 & GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.41

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

May 19th 2020

Improvement - Nginx

  • Modular Nginx hardening configurations

Improvement - GP-CLI

  • Nginx Hardening Commands
  • WordPress Hardening Commands

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.386

  • Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

May 23rd 2020

Improvement - User Settings

  • Support Ticket - More options for improved ticket creation

Improvement - GP-CLI

  • Fail2Ban commands for login and xmlrpc

GridPane App, GridPane Scripts v1.2.387-88 & GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.42

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

June 2nd 2020

Enhancement - UpdateSafely

  • Completely rebuilt with full CLI in beta

Improvement - Site Settings

  • Cache locks
  • Firewall locks

Improvement - Nginx Configurations

  • Updated to add include for add-on domains only
  • Updated to add include for primary domains only

Fixed - Tools

  • Ensure cache clear works across all domains

Fixed - Migrations|Cloning|Failover

  • Failing in servers were at program is not installed

Fixed - Apt Upgrades

  • Apt package manager worker tool to fix locks

Fixed - System Users

  • Updating app bug fix

GridPane Scripts v1.2.389-90

  • Fixed
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

June 3rd 2020

Fixed - GP-CLI

  • Wpfail2ban automation duplicating jail configs
  • Deduplication of Env writing

Fixed - New Site Builds

  • User-configs include on build error - out of order

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.390-98

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

June 5th 2020

Improvement - Event Notifications

  • Add IP to Unattended Upgrades notification

Improvement - Server SSH Key Modal

  • Column positions swapped around for better UX

Fixed - Teams Fixes

  • Display events issue for team members
  • Fix self help tools, logs and
  • Allow admin and staff team members to add bundles
  • Allow team members to take and restore backups
  • Allow team members to use SSO
  • Allow admins to push SSH keys to servers
  • Allow team members to use staging features
  • Display correct notice for team member limit notifications
  • Display necessary settings on team member settings pages

Fixed - Staging/Canary Sites

  • Long running builds don’t cause command loop and duplicates
  • Enabling/Disabling UI fixes
  • Disappearing rows fix
  • Swapping primary domain of production site also swaps staging domain

Fixed - HTTP Auth

  • User-password pair regenerates if deleted

Fixed - Migrate/Clone

  • Update wp-config for https on destination if SSL is synced over

Fixed - Multisite

  • Subdomain/Subdirectory toggles not locked after choosing Multisite type

Fixed - Tools

  • Quick fix activities on self help tools not always completing in UI

Fixed - Domains Manager

  • Routing modal remains open after success notification
  • Clear search button in domains tab not clearing

Fixed - Known Hosts

  • Repeated use of same IP at custom builds clears known hosts before building

Fixed - Registration

  • Coupon field not displaying on sign up form

GridPane App & GridPane Scripts v1.2.39-42

  • Fixed Improved
  • S
    Steve Bell
  • on 08-06-2020

June 8th 2020

Improvement - Caching

  • Clear caching on disable toggle

Fixed - Backups

  • Reset Borg Backup Key to encrypted token

Fixed - Bundles

  • Pro accounts can’t add bundles

GridPane Scripts v1.3.332 | PHPMyAdmin Update

  • Improved
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 28-02-2020

Updated PHPMyAdmin to latest version 5.0.1

  • New builds
  • Updated existing builds.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.330-1

  • Improved
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 26-02-2020

Monit Fail2Ban SystemD - replaced init.d and updated restart commands.

WP-CLI timeouts on short daily worker tasks. Some users with PHP issues had hanging WP-CLI commands draining CPU.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.329

  • Fixed
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 21-02-2020

Bug where new sites added to a failover source were not being cloned automatically to failover destination.
- Missing guard lead to attempted sync of new site prior to initialising.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.328

  • Fixed
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 19-02-2020

ModSec and HTTP Auth were not working together.
- Adjusted Script Config generator to ensure that the ACL is loading in when modsec is active.

Local Backups using wp-cli could hang on sites with issues running wp-cli, causing resource issues as processes built up.
- Removed wp-cli entirely from local backup scripts.
- Replaced wp db export with mysqldump directly for database exporting.
- Replaced wp core is-installed with parse of core WordPress and database check.

GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.36

  • Improved
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 19-02-2020

Improved config layout for performance
- decreased use of regex
- increased use of pcre_jit

GridPane Scripts v.1.2.326-7

  • Fixed
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 15-02-2020

Fixed - automated SSL by DNSMadeEasy AP bug - DNSME updated JSON response format resulted in incorrect domain ID being parsed.

Applied patch from upcoming fix. Patched existing servers and all new server builds. v.1.3.326
Added link and attribute to bug issue in file v.1.3.327

GridPane Scripts v1.2.325

  • New Fixed Improved
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 14-02-2020

Fixed - Adjusting limit_req_zone zone wp with GP-CLI was adjusting zone one
Fixed - User defined limit_req_zone parameters were resetting to template default after an Nginx Configs update.

- Set Nginx redis2_query expire - GP-CLI command to adjust Nginx Redis Page cache expiry TTL

- Set PHP date.timezone - GP-CLI command to update php.ini and site level .user.ini
- Set PHP short_open_tag - GP-CLI command to update php.ini and site level .user.ini

- Removed GridPane Maxmind account details from Servers.

Maxmind DB must be downloaded by users with their own account and license. Please see:
We realised (6 weeks too late, our bad) that using our key is against their terms, so we have had to remove it from all servers.This means geoipupdate no longer works and the databases required for the Nginx GeoIP2 Module can't be updated. Please go here to sign up for a free account if you wish to use this module.

- GP-CLI commands to download Maxmind DB using your account, enable GeoIP2 module, and configure country mappings/bans.

GridPane Nginx Configs v1.2.35

  • Improved
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 14-02-2020

Improved - Reconfigured srcache redis cache configs for adjustable TTL
Improved - cleaned up and streamline GeoIP module configs and removed legacy configurations
Improved - added /extra.d/http-context.conf include

Last week (before we had changelog up and running)

- removed TLS1.1 as SSL option to maintain A+ rating with Qualsys Labs.

GridPane Scripts v1.2.324

  • New Fixed
  • J
    Jeff Cleverley
  • on 12-02-2020

Fixed - Unison causing SSL sync issues with failover. Replaced unison for this function.
- GPcron corrupted by script update checking function.

- 15 minute worker to check site GPcrons are in place and uncorrupted.
- Use Rsync for SSL synchronisation between failover source -> destination