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In the Git deployments system - this label is very confusing. When it's off it reads "Enable Automatic deployments on push...
I had created a new Linode account and connected it to my GridPane account with an API token and tried to deploy a new server...
Recently I pushed staging to live with a partial database. First time using that option, so I was cautious to not make a...
2FA codes need to be manually entered on login, which is a minor annoyance, disincentivising its use. Adding...
It would be super helpful if we could tell by a glance, without having to click onto the site, if a website has a Git...
We're looking for a different color to appear when the vulnerability scanner picks up a high CVSS score. At the moment, any...
When logged out for an extended amount of time it's impossible to just log back in without closing or reloading a couple of...
Occasionally I have to load a website in an iframe so would need to allow that domain to be added to a CSP policy:...
Allow us to upload a custom icon to replace the default plus sign for custom servers.
Improved pagination to show total number of sites (and servers), in the list view.