Automatic Domain Regristration over INWX and Server Configuration

Pascal Brennecke

INWX is a good and independent domain registrar. It's cheap, fast and got an API with a good documentation. www.inwx.com/en/offer/api

It would be great to help users to move domains easily from expensive hoster x to DO, Vultr, LightSail... or easily get a new one fast and setup the GP Server right away.

Worflow: Hey GP looks nice, I want to change -> Sign Up -> Get asked to move domain Y/N -> Set Up APIs -> Setup Server over API -> Choose/Move Domain over INWX API -> Prov. Server -> Drink a cup of tea -> Ready to go. = Happy Customer/WordPress Web Designer


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Augus van Gils

I got a better registar called X or my domain isn’t supported by Y. Sorry not a good idea.

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I don't agree with a specific domain registrar, there are so many available based on your criteria. There should be a domain registration feature, that allows for hooking into an API or Zapier.

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