GridPane needs a Quick Fix for Domains

Kyle Lawrence

See this post regarding a domain problem (community.gridpane.com/t/changed-primary-domain-but-it-only-changed-in-some-places/2752).

But I've actually experienced three different domain problems in the past few months:
#1 This one where I've swapped the Primary domain but in one of the config files, the old domain is still primary so it still shows up as the old domain being the primary domain
#2 Gridpane wouldn't let me delete a domain in the admin panel because it had been partially deleted when I had previously tried to delete it in the admin panel, so that was causing an error for the deletion process
#3 There was a domain that was deleted in all places except the list of domains for SSL renewal, so Gridpane kept sending me SSL renewal errors for a deleted domain

Therefore, the proposal is to have a "Quick fix" on the server level, where it validates all the domains, meaning:
#1 It makes sure there's no places with extra domains
#2 It makes sure that all domains in GP are listed in all the proper places/files
#3 It makes sure the domains are appropriately set as Primary/Alias/Redirect in their corresponding place.