Easy Website Suspension

  • Live


I know it's already available via CLI but would still be best to have the ability to easily suspend and unsuspend a website for a non-paying client via the UI. It will be very convenient.


Activity Newest / Oldest


Steve Bell

Merged with: Add option to disable website access with a toggle


Cristian Uibar

The same way we require a user to login on the staging site we should be able to do it as well on production sites.

This should be a toggle on the settings page.

We also should be able to disable it for staging sites if we want to. We still should be able to add "Block robots" option with this disabled (requested in a separate feature request).


Dusan S.

Option to suspend website or account based on system username. This is a must for everyone that runs hosting business via GridPane.


Steve Bell

Merged with: Susspend Website/Account


Steve Bell

This toggle is now available inside the UI :) You'll find it in the website customizer inside the Security Tab > Access


Steve Bell

Status changed to: Live


Rob Bock

I believe you can do this already?



Branden Tolle

actually, i think they do this with a plugin, which you can disable on staging, or add to live wordpress.org/plugins/wp-force-login/

or, if you want you can enable HTTP authentication which will essentially disable access for everyone except you


Cristian Uibar

I would like the ability to suspend a site or simply the wp-admin area of a site. This should be done via NGINX not at the WP nor system level. It's easier and faster via NGINX.


Cristian Uibar

there should be 2 buttons/toggles for suspention, one for the public site and one for the wp-admin area


Cristian Uibar

while blocking the wp-admin area we should also consider blocking all POST requests, but not required. not sure yet how I would go about this.