I really wish to be able to delete the logs conveniently from the UI. (As I have logs of 2-3 Go on most of my server...) Also in the doc there are no instructions on how to clear them / what CLI command to use.
31-03-2022 - 3 years ago
Newest / Oldest
Last week we had our entire site crash because the log was occupying lot of spaces causing our allocated storage to be full.
I had to go to individual folder and clear the log one by one.
We could avoid this problem, if there was a feature to clear a log every month, or week or day
Or at least have a tool to clear the log from GridPane dashboard.
Activity Newest / Oldest
Last week we had our entire site crash because the log was occupying lot of spaces causing our allocated storage to be full.
I had to go to individual folder and clear the log one by one.
We could avoid this problem, if there was a feature to clear a log every month, or week or day
Or at least have a tool to clear the log from GridPane dashboard.
Steve Bell
Merged with: Feature to clear logs