Custom SSL within the UI

Bobby Broughton

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Takuya Misawa

Because of this, for now I have to choose Runcloud or Kinsta for performance servers as they provide engineer free custom SSL setup. I really wish this will be implemented soon.


Martin Blumenfeld

Yes please! I have attempted the custom SSL steps in the knowledge base, but have yet to get that working. Server Pilot already has this feature. Just sayin' :)



This would be great as I am not that techy and some site I have requires custom ssl.


Jordy Boutier

That would be awesome!

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Tobias Feistmantl

Most important feature (and not to hard to implement?) right now. As Hubert said, I want to test my site before pointing the DNS records to the new site.

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Hubert Nguyen

This is really important. If we're moving a large site to GP, or building a secondary site, we need to set up, and test, SSL *before* making the server accessible from the outside.

It is not desirable to switch it, then hope for the best when we request an LE SSL certificate or any other SSL challenge.


Cristian Uibar

Very much needed. As well as enable the Let's Encrypt SSL verification via DNS for Cloudflare for example via UI as well. This can now only be done manually and it's kinda hard for beginners.

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Michael Kokott

Very much needed for intranet sites!

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