Custom domain for Staging sites.

Gareth Bissland

Add the ability to use your own domain for your staging/canary sites.

We often work with clients and do not have direct access to their DNS. It is managed by their IT dept.

Would made the staging/canary process easier if we could specify a domain to be used as the Staging TLD via DNSME or CF.

It could be an account wide setting.


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Joseph Ariaz

Would love to see this as well, we have a use case for our dev team needing an alternate environment. Also, can you please update the docs so its know you can't use a custom subdomain, didn't find it in any documentation.


Kyle B

Please give us the ability to create custom staging subdomains. For example "mystaging.mysite.com" "webstaging.mysite.com".

A lot of my clients (SaaS) use the "staging" subdomain for their application staging, not web staging. Since GridPane autogenrated "staging.mysite.com" I am not able to access staging sites for these clients.


Steve Bell

Merged with: Custom Staging Domain


Steve Bell

As an update on this topic, we have a feature called Infinite Staging planned, and a version of this exists inside the Client Portal.

This makes use of the clone over feature:

What's currently missing is the ability to exclude specific database tables, but otherwise you can currently use clone over with a custom domain for your staging workflow. It's just not labeled as such in the UI.


Steve Bell

Status changed to: Planned



I'd like to see something like this as well. I often find myself needing to split projects off. Especially with ecommerce sites where I might want a staging site for product migration or troubleshooting with another staging site where I continue on in development. While you can do this by just creating a site, you don't have the push, pull features you do with a normal staging site.


Gareth Bissland

This probably needs merging to this request from ages ago:

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Augus van Gils

To be honest, lots of hosts only provide staging sites with their name in it. I always just tell my clients or their IT dept. to add an A record and never had any trouble with this what so ever.


Gareth Bissland

I really like how Closte implement this as well. I've included a screen shot. They give you a choice to use a Closte subdomain (similar to Cloudways) OR your own domain for the staging site.

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Chelsea Lyn

I would love to see something like this as well. We do this already, but in a weird way that isn't great when it is time to deploy the site.

I know (thanks to Bobby) that you can access a staging site by tricking your local host, BUT for non-tech people it would be a nice feature. (think how cloudways assigns a random URL to new sites, but maybe slightly more customized)