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Similar to the functionality of adding SSH keys to a server each time a new one is created, but the ability to have staff/team...
It would be great if we can use Hetzner storage box as external backups. https://www.hetzner.com/storage/storage-box/
I would find it very helpful if there were a team members addon for those of us on the Panel Plan using PeakFreq servers.
The backup procedure is not archiving the stored procedures and the scheduled tasks that are (eventually) stored on mysql....
Currently, the PeakFreq setup is more geared toward agencies rather than solopreneurs/freelancers like myself. I need my...
Add a checkbox to the delete site feature to purge a site backup on deleting a site. Right now, if you delete a site, you...
From sender to be user-defined for transactional emails
Provide an option to skip backups on primary domain name changes. Why? If a site has an 8GB database and 20GB of files the...
Several improvements to the handling of bundle content: A list of plugins and themes outside bundles as a central place for...
Add option to select multiple bundles of themes and plugins when creating a new site. This way you can have a bundle that you...