Account wide WP config defines.

Augus van Gils

Some of us would like to have certain defines set on every single installation (or as a bonus make a difference between staging & production).

And since those can be very specific (as plugin definitions) it would be great to have the ability to make this as flexible as possible.

My proposal is as followed:
1. GP adds an account-config.php include before the current user-config.php include in the WP-config.php in every install.
2. We get an interface with two repeatable fields; definition name & definition value.
3. The input in these fields will update every single account-config.php on every single server.
4. Since you can mess things up, please add a warning 🤪.

The field for definition name could be a drop-down with common used definitions. But should be able to have a “custom” option where we could enter our own.

This addition could save people hours, days or even weeks of work. And in my opinion would be a big selling point for GP while it’s fairly simple to implement.

P.s: I don’t think I need to say this we we definitely need to validate/sanitize any input.


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Steve Bell

This isn't the exact thing you've requested, but we now have this include which should help with your workflow:


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Adrien Robert

It's not exactly what was asked here, but that's already a huge step forward!
I have already implemented it to skip the new default WordPress Bundles that I don't care about.



David Parrott

Yes please! Would also like to add site-specific defines, and for the cloning process to include them. I have bash scripts doing this for me right now.


Pascal Brennecke

This is great!
I'd like to add up some things to the idea:
- Let users create different templates / sets of account-config.php
- Let users add snippets inside the GP App and checklist with "ticks"✔️ with checkboxes what settings they want to include in the account-config.php
- Have commonly used / pre-defined snippets (like the one from the GP KB) already integrated into a template / set
- Users can submit snippets into and get them for a "snippet marketplace" (free of course).
--> A wikipage would be a good idea

This makes repetive work and FTPing / SSHing into the server redundant.

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